Maticz is the best data analytics company that offers custom data analytics services and solutions with a team of data analysts and specialists at an affordable cost.

Fetch more accuracy to your business workflow with data analytics. Unleash the power of your data by venturing into the realm of data analytics with us. We are committed to guiding you through the crafted data journey by utilizing the latest technology to elevate your business to unparalleled heights.

What Is Data Analytics?

Dealing with a vast amount of data was a big deal before the advent of data analytics. But now it has become an inevitable part of our business and technology. Over the past few years, it has been upgraded from being a mere concept to assisting businesses in making decisions.

Data analytics is examining the raw data and extracting actionable insights from them. They comprise a wide range of technology and processes to identify trends and get conclusions, and predictions to make informed decisions.

Maticz is a premiere Data Analytics Company, assisting you in shaping your business, enhancing decision-making, and heightening your business growth. Our team is focused on assisting our clients to design and execute the outline to opt for the solution that provides data and advanced analytics.

How Does Data Analytics Boost The Business?

From marketing to operation, Data Analytics is redefining the way that the business works. For handling a large amount of data that is produced by the business at an unusual rate, data analytics is a vital tool for exploring its full potential. So businesses have to manage a massive amount of data to obtain a better understanding of the user, find the current trends, and optimize their business operations. Here’s how data analytics helps in business growth.

- Optimizes the operational cost, reduces the expense as well as improves the revenue.

- Helps the organization to adapt to quick changes by analyzing customer behavior, market trends, and competitor’s strategy.  

- Analyses the history and feedback of the customer, to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Data Analytics Services

Our team of specialists provides end-to-end data analytics services that range from consulting to implementation of appropriate data analytics solutions for your organization.

Data Analytics Consulting

It is required to assist the organization on the way to enhancing its business operations by utilizing combined and trustworthy data. With our expertise, we provide consultation services in making enhanced decisions, optimizing the workflow and expenses, and improving customer satisfaction.

Data Analytics Implementation

Our team developed and incorporated the analytic solution with the basic functionality to address your current requirements and upgrade as the business grows. We built the solution along with elements like DWH, data visualization, and big data components.

Custom Data Analytics Services

We are equipped to resolve any data management difficulties that our clients have faced during consulting or implementing service. Leverage a data management framework to categorize your data collection process, storage, access, analysis, and security.

Data Analytics Modernization

Data analytic solutions can be upgraded from the existing version to the next level according to the changing demands of new data analytics. It helps in updating along with the demand of the end user which consequently improves the ROI.

Data Integration Service

It provides centralized storage where the consolidated multi-source business-level data are derived from multiple sources. It helps in data accuracy and a smooth business operation.

Analytics As A Service

We enable our clients to perform data analytics on the cloud analytics platform built by us. We also provide you with enterprise-level analytics in a cloud platform without infrastructure implementation and management.

Managed Data Analytics

Our data analyst collects and examines the data to provide a one-time or recurrent invaluable insight. We assist the business in extracting the required insights instead of investing in development and administration to work accordingly.

Data Analytics Solution

Our expert team excels in crafting distinctive data analytics solutions that spot market trends and adapt to your business needs.  

Financial Data Analytics

Build solutions to monitor an organization’s financial process, data, and function. Our solution guides the business to set strategic financial goals and assists them in deciding to increase profitability. Our solution assists in:

- Forecasting and management of financial risks.

- Plans long-term business goals and budget.

- Checks on revenue and expense and records financial performance management.

Customer Analytics

Our team designs a solution that gathers and analyzes customer data across a wide range of channels to help the business captivate the target audience by making appropriate business decisions. We focus on:

- Forecasting customer churn risk and customer attrition

- Personalized marketing campaign and crafted sales

- Sentiment analysis and behavior analysis.

Supply Chain Analytics

Develop solutions to handle, enhance, and support the supply chain management process. They leverage data analytic methodologies to improve the operation, efficiency, and management of the supply chain. Our solutions provide:

- Inventory planning and management

- Forecasting the demand of drivers and consumer and route optimization

- Derive patterns and trends through the supply chain to handle supply chain management risks.

Sales and Product Analytics

Build a solution to gather, examine, and interpret the data to extract the insights to increase the performance and chance to grow. Our product assists in:

- Product performance analysis and finding sales trends

- Pricing strategy and sales channel analysis

- Competitor benchmarking and churn risk

HR Analytics

Our talents assist the organization in collecting, analyzing, and reporting human resources data for a better understanding of your workforce. We monitor:

- Employee performance and analysis

- Labor cost analytics

- Hiring strategy and retention strategy

Asset Analytics

Efficiently handle the asset with our solution where we give valuable insights regarding investment and operation of the asset. Here we offer:

- Plans for asset investment

- Real-time monitoring and tracking

- Asset maintenance strategy and management

Custom AI Chatbot Solution

Engages the customer, makes targeted recommendations, and optimizes the business process by merging our talent’s knowledge with the latest technology to produce integrated chatbots into your business. We also focus on:

- Adaptable and scalable solution

- Smooth integration into infrastructure

- Personalized suggestion

Predictive Analytics Solution

By incorporating the latest, we enable organizations to foresee consumer habits, market development, and sales results. We implement:

- Advanced ML and Deep learning algorithm

- Customer behavior analysis and market trend forecasting 

- Predictive models

Operational Analytics Solutions

We help our clients to survive in the competitive market with our advanced analytics tools to extract insights and foster long-term growth.

- Supply chain optimization and predictive maintenance 

- Workforce analytics and process maintenance

- Automation and personalization 

Custom Data Analytics Services for Various Industries

In the data-driven world, almost every industry leverages data analytics to stay ahead in the market. Explore the potential of data analytics services for possible applications in certain industries.


They invest in analytical tools to examine the equipment efficiency, and production loss, schedule equipment maintenance, and optimize overall manufacturing processes and power consumption. As a result, this decreases the downtime and increases productivity.


The healthcare industry also spent on cloud technologies to utilize analytics to enhance patient treatment and satisfaction. They implement analytic tools to monitor health conditions, personalized care recommendations, fraud detection in claims, and optimizing clinical space and equipment usage.


Retailers use data analytics to handle a vast amount of data, analyze business performance, forecast demand, merchandising planning, and get data-driven suggestions on product promotions. 

Transport and Logistics

This industry implements data analytics to plan and optimize the operational capacity according to the shipments, customer delivery schedules, vehicle availability, and personal shifts. They also forecast the demand for vehicles and fuels to prevent any flaws or lags in the overall performance.


The banking sector employs data analytics to monitor stability indicators, forecast performance, fraud detection and predict operational risks. This also checks whether they operate by adhering to the regulations. 

Real Estate

It leverages analytics tools to priorly forecast the property value to be sold or bought near future. It is primarily used to analyze the property value to assist informed investment decisions thus mitigating the loss. 


To manage a large volume of data, this sector incorporates analytics tools to examine the feedback on students to enhance teaching patterns. They also assist in administrative tasks by analyzing the revenue, endowment values, wages, and cash balance. 

Travel and Tours

It is utilized to track and analyze customer preferences and feedback to streamline customer relationship management. They also support the organization the employee performance and provide instant feedback to enhance the service. Mainly used to forecast the demand, and pricing and analyze the result of promotions and discounts.


They use data analytics to craft personalized recommendations, monitor profitability, and check insurance-related risks. They employ tools to analyze insurance planning, and optimization and extract insights for improving customer service and workflow.

Oil and Gas

It is important to locate optimal drilling locations and predict oil & gas reserves. They predict the production rates and equipment maintenance which reduces the downtime and improves productivity. They also have real-time monitoring with an immediate alert system and provide environmental insights. 

We also Offer Guidance From Scratch To Advanced Analytics

Our team is focused on resolving any issue that you have faced with the data analytics tool by incorporating the following solution into your systems.

Data Management: Provide full-scale data management services that include quality management, governance, migrations, testing, support, and architecture.

Data Warehousing: Data Warehousing allows the business to handle the cloud management needs and ad hoc critical data from a single point of storage.

Big Data: It helps the business to manage massive amounts of data for smooth operation and reliable insights.

AI: Employing AI in the system will efficiently guide us through business operations. They also develop software that operates with ML.

BI: Business Intelligence enables the business to gather data in a single location and receive a full view of their workflow.

Data Visualization: It helps the business to view the data through intuitive visuals. They modify complex datasets into visually appealing charts or images to handle specific business needs effectively.

Journey Of Data To Extract Organization Analytics

We strive to support the business at every stage of its journey in refining the data into high-value analytics.

Consolidation and Curation

Integrating all the data in one place makes it accessible to all the stakeholders which optimizes the quality and its accessibility. Reliable data helps decision-making, and leverages advanced technology like AI and automation to foster trust in insights.


We offer business data solutions granting access to data beyond IT. Businesses can utilize the data for informed decisions and innovation while concentrating on deploying reliable data thus guiding the era of data-driven business.

Self-Service Analytics 

It enables the users to access the data whenever required by eliminating the interference of the IT team. Curated, high-quality datasets communicate the point clearly and allow quick decision-making.

Advanced Analytics

We provide the latest analytics for comprehensive insights, supporting better decision-making and uncovering the value of data. It effectively turns data into profit while monitoring them. 

Benefits Of Data Analytics Services

Businesses can reap the benefits whether it's trying to optimize the operation or aiming to discover hidden data.


Automation offers automated governance processes and data management to ensure that you can simply create the report whenever needed without the interference of your IT team managing the data manually.

Value-Loaded Data Analytics

Our goal is to support you in fully leveraging the potential of your analytics solutions to find hidden opportunities in your data.

Understandable Reports

We use several data visualization techniques to focus the important insights in each report thus making them easily visible at one glance.

Reliable Insights

We gather all of your data sources into single places to make as a point of source for organization-wide analytics.

Enhanced Decision Making

With the insights and data-driven information that is extracted, can determine the market trends and patterns. With the derived informed, well-informed choices can be made rather than a guess.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Automating the process, and minimizing manual labor can eventually increase efficiency and productivity. It also helps in mitigating any duplication. It can also increase productivity by reducing waste, better inventory control, and optimizing the supply chain.

Customer Service

It empowers businesses by providing insights about customer preferences and behavior will facilitate the improvement in customer experience enhancing the services and reducing wait time. 

Competitive Advantage

It supports the business to make informed decisions, study the market trends, and understand customer needs will enhance product offerings. This fosters organizations to increase revenue and strengthen brands.

Mitigates Risk

With real-time monitoring, data analytics help businesses identify potential fraud or risk and guide them to take preventive measures to eliminate them.

What Makes Us The Best Data Analytics Company?

Maticz is the best Data Analytics Company that offers full-service development, testing, and upgradation that can be utilized to fasten the product launch. Our team of data experts assists clients with everything from data strategy creation to data architecture with deep-domain expertise.

We specialize in combining the right technology, platform, and methodology to provide the best business results for our clients. We deliver effective insights by leveraging AI/ML applications, algorithms, and reporting engagements. 

As a leading Software development company, our data analyst team is dedicated to providing an excellent support facility to make sure that the implemented data analytics solution works seamlessly without any malfunctions. Team up with our experienced and efficient data analysts who are specialized in offering agile solutions for the improvement of your organization.

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