Metaverse Development Company

Collaborate with the futuristic metaverse development company and build a mind-blowing metaverse incorporated with technologies like AR, VR, etc.


Metaverse Platform

A metaverse is a virtual platform or environment that enables people to socialize with others via avatars (virtual versions of a person) with the help of supported devices and an internet connection. Metaverse is empowered by more advanced technologies like AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Web3, etc., which collectively makes the platform a bridge between the real and virtual world. In short, the metaverse is a new-age internet version that delivers immersive and real-life-like experiences.

Metaverse development involves the development of a 3D virtual platform where the digital version of humans can interact with other people and engage in various activities. It facilitates multi-modal interaction with virtual environments, items, etc., where AR and VR form the core component of the metaverse. Metaverse development also involves the inclusion of various technologies like Cryptocurrency, NFT, games, Web3, etc., to redefine user authorization and help them unlock new-age monetization sources.

AR & VR Integration
New-age Technology
Empowers User
Mind-blowing Experiences

50 +


450 +

Projects Delivered

500 +

Total Projects

Metaverse platform is an amalgamation of many innovative technologies like blockchain, Web3, decentralized applications & platforms, etc., and its development requires the expertise and consultation of big-tech companies like Maticz. Maticz is the industry-best metaverse platform development company that helps businesses develop & deploy a futuristic metaverse space with cutting-edge functionalities that align well with their business requirements.

Maticz helped global organizations to create & launch a next-gen metaverse environment that acts as a corporate space for virtual meetings, a game-based monetization platform, an immersive environment for conducting important virtual sporting or artistic events, etc. With a proven portfolio of 100+ successful metaverse development projects, we are the pitch-perfect choice for versatile metaverse development services.

Diverse Portfolio
Better Consultant
Futuristic Solutions
Versatile Functionalities
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Metaverse Platform Development Company


  • According to a report on Globe News Wire, the total market valuation of the global metaverse niche will reach around $1 Tn within this decade.
  • Popular artists like Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, etc., already delivered their musical concerts in the metaverse.
  • The global Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) market will reach a market cap of around $250 bn by 2028.
  • Metaverse platform witnesses around 400 million users every month & will increase with technological advancement in the niche.
  • Roblox, Minecraft, Decentraland, etc., are the most visited metaverse platforms which dominate the global metaverse industry.
  • According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the gaming segment of the metaverse industry will reach an astonishing value of $710.21 bn by 2027.
  • Major global brands like Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Puma, Adidas, etc., launched their metaverse stores to amplify digital sales & presence.
  • The global market cap of Roblox, the most popular metaverse platform is an astonishing $16.2 bn, according to Companies Market Cap.
  • The revenue of the combined AR and VR market will reach more than $50 bn by 2027, as per a report on Influencer Marketing Hub.
  • Metaverse-based fashion, retail stores, etc., witnessed a 60% increase in sales growth and brand exposure.


Metaverse development services are beneficial across niches, and we develop & deploy appropriate metaverse solutions to global businesses at budget-friendly and flexible business models.

  • Metaverse Application Development
  • Metaverse Integration
  • Metaverse Consulting
  • 3D Avatar & Digital Twin Development
  • Custom Metaverse 3D Space Development


Maticz provides ground-breaking metaverse development solutions like metaverse game development, metaverse real estate development, virtual space development, etc.

Metaverse NFT Marketplace Development

Maticz helps businesses launch their Metaverse-based NFT Marketplace with limitless trading & monetization opportunities. It provides necessary tools that help manage the multi-functional platform that sells all kinds of digital assets, including digital lands, in-game assets, avatars, etc.

  • Digital Assets
  • Metaverse Lands
  • In-game Collectibles

Metaverse Game Development

We build innovative & captivating metaverse gaming platforms with incredible games across diverse blockchain networks, thanks to our expertise in gaming & metaverse technologies. Our metaverse game development unlocks various business-focused monetization sources that add more value to your gaming business portfolio.

  • Flexible Models
  • New-age Protocols
  • Enthralling Games

Metaverse Real Estate Development

We deliver customized Metaverse real estate development services that let you build your virtual world and rent your property in the Metaverse space using next-gen technologies to help you gain a competitive edge. This new-age virtual real estate removes entry-trade barriers and unlocks numerous opportunities in the real estate world.

  • Customized Solutions
  • Tokenized Assets
  • Metaverse Lands

Metaverse Social Media App Development

We offer new-age Metaverse-based social media platforms and dApps (decentralized applications) development solutions for start-up-friendly investments. It provides immersive social connections and lets users create their private communities to redefine the way of interaction.

  • Innovative Applications
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Personalized Avatars

Metaverse Token Development

We develop cost-effective & multi-utility Metaverse tokens that help make online transactions or access services and applications within the Metaverse platform. Metaverse token development services are in high demand, and more users are involved in creating digital tokens for their businesses.

  • Multi-utility Tokens
  • Seamless Transaction
  • Niche-wise Creation

Metaverse Virtual Showroom Development

We provide a fully interactive 3D realm or digital space, for instance, virtual showrooms & malls that help global brands showcase & deliver more innovative shopping experiences than ever before. We incorporate cutting-edge frameworks and high-performing protocols to meet the striking revolution of the Metaverse industry.

  • Cutting-edge Frameworks
  • Dedicated Showrooms
  • Next-gen Shopping

Metaverse Platform Maintenance

Maticz provides post-launch maintenance & support to help businesses sustain in an evolving technological landscape. We incorporate more advanced technologies like AI and market-demand features & security protocols into your existing metaverse platform as per your business & niche requirements.

  • Market-demand Features
  • Redefines Ecosystem
  • AI/ML Integration


Metaverse-as-a-Service gives power to the user and enables them to develop & deploy their virtual environments within the third-party-owned virtual world. It also helps businesses streamline & effectively manage various business operations (from fashion to retail) within the immersive environment.

  • Corporate-friendly
  • Streamlines Operations
  • Effective Management

Social Interactions

Metaverse platforms or applications enable people from various parts of the world to interact and socialize in a virtual yet real-life-like environment.

Virtual Events

Virtual events help brands gain traction and make consumers attend & witness the new-age product launch or showcase events in a real-life setting.


Metaverse allows users to create and customize their virtual avatars, environments, and creations, fostering a sense of individuality & self-expression.

New-age Advertising

A unique method of brand storytelling on metaverse helps businesses promote their products or services & targets potential customers seamlessly and effortlessly.

Limitless Opportunities

In the metaverse, virtual real estate, digital assets, goods, and services can be created and traded, potentially leading to new business models and revenue streams.

Technical Innovation

Metaverse technology encourages developers, designers, and creators to come up with novel ideas & solutions to enhance the virtual experience & economy.


Metaverse unlocks a realm of benefits for various businesses across niches, and we make them innovative with a unique development approach.

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We offer metaverse software development to innumerable sectors, thanks to our strong expertise in blockchain and other next-gen technologies like AR, VR, etc.


Metaverse enables manufacturing-based businesses to create a virtual prototype of a product & evaluate its operational capabilities via digital twin. It helps them save development costs & time and examine or compare the product or goods while promoting virtual technician training.

  • Virtual Training
  • Saves Cost & Time
  • Effective Maintenance


The retail niche evolved with the advancement of technologies, and the incorporation of the metaverse will transform or redefine its operations. Retail stores or metaverse shopping enables users to virtually shop and buy goods or products from their homes via technologies (AR, VR, etc.).

  • Virtual Shopping
  • New-age Stores
  • Immersive Experience


The entertainment industry has been accessible to common groups thanks to metaverse technology. Metaverse enables people to participate in virtual events like concerts, film festivals, fans meet, etc., irrespective of their geographical location, while accommodating any number of audiences.

  • Digital Concerts
  • Accessible Events
  • Virtual Fans Fest


Virtual economy dominates the global market with technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFT, etc., creating a buzz in the metaverse. Metaverse-based banks provide personalized banking solutions that enable users to get banking services in a decentralized environment.

  • Personalized Solutions
  • Quick Processing
  • Cost-saving


Consumer demand and technological transformations across the automotive industry made businesses leverage this innovative technology. Digital auto showrooms enable the users to virtually tour the store & test drive the vehicles with avatars that deliver an immersive experience.

  • Environment Friendly
  • Optimized Operations
  • Futuristic Showrooms


Metaverse enables the development & deployment of an immersive virtual space dedicated to the arts niche. In this virtual space, artists can showcase their talents, and sell their works via virtual auction, collectors can buy unique & rare arts, etc. In addition, metaverse can also lead to the emergence of virtual museums.

  • Virtual Expo
  • Modern Arts
  • Digital Museum

Real Estate

Virtual real estate is more beneficial and yields maximum ROI than the traditional real estate business. Virtual assets can be tokenized, and collectively owned, and enable investors to start with minimal amounts. In addition, these real estate assets can be sold on NFT marketplaces or rented for a specified time.

  • Tokenized Lands
  • Better ROI
  • Ownership


Metaverse helped the healthcare industry enable remote or virtual clinical sessions, which provide 24/7 medical solutions to people across remote areas. People can get quality diagnosis & treatment on time from experts, and doctors give appropriate consultations via virtual call.

  • 24/7 Consultation
  • Quality Treatment
  • Life-saving Solutions


Following high-end programming languages and technologies forms the core of the metaverse platform development that delivers an immersive virtual experience.

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Quick-view on

Metaverse Software Development Process

Metaverse software development process involves step-by-step design, development & integrations, formulated carefully during successive brainstorming sessions.

Use Case Evaluation

We initiate development by clearly defining the vision and goals of your Metaverse project while choosing the technologies and frameworks you'll use to build the platform.

Design UI/UX

Next, the design of easy-to-navigate interfaces and interactive elements that enhance user engagement & immersion takes place.

Develop A Virtual World

We develop virtual worlds or items (3D landscapes, buildings, etc.) that users can explore along with appropriate Smart Contract development.

Integrate Technologies

Optimize the metaverse by integrating high-performing APIs or advanced technologies like AI, ML, Web3, etc., to make it innovative & unique.

Quality Assurance

We thoroughly test the platform for bugs, vulnerabilities & user experience issues and iterate on the design and functionality-based feedback.

Metaverse Deployment

After evaluating the functionality and performance of the Metaverse platform, it is launched and optimized through post-launch support based on market demand.

Our certified Metaverse developers assist you in taking the initial step towards developing new Metaverse solutions that fuel your company's growth and success. As we endeavor to create a more immersive and connected digital future, we bring about metaverse projects that reflect our commitment to innovation and collaboration.

Our Metaverse Programmers are skilled artisans with extensive knowledge of Blockchain technology and protocols. We use an agile methodology to develop high-quality projects within the stipulated time. With a proven track record of delivering successful projects, we have a highly talented and knowledgeable team of developers who come up with alluring Metaverse platforms that stand out in the virtual world.

If you are looking for developers who are proficient in Metaverse development, then look no further than Maticz. Maticz has a pool of global talents with a wealth of experience crafting immersive virtual worlds. Hire our dedicated Metaverse developers, who have successfully worked on various projects for clients all over the globe. Our developers have the skills necessary to create a digital and immersive environment. They can assist in driving the transition into a multidimensional area.

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Time To

Hire Metaverse Developers
Best Metaverse Development Company

Best Metaverse Development Company

Maticz is one of the best Metaverse Development Companies in India that is well-known for providing customized Metaverse development services & solutions. We can serve as your perfect service partner & help you take your project off the ground and lead it toward success. We have years of experience building immersive metaverse platforms and have a diverse portfolio & that showcases a wide range of multi-dimensional metaverse projects, proving our expertise in the field.

As a niche-best metaverse development agency, we specialize in providing top-notch Metaverse projects integrated with powerful technologies like Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, resulting in a well-functioning virtual platform. We help you integrate this innovative technology and create an immersive virtual space that enables you to achieve your goals and streamline your business, leverage our Metaverse development services to build a virtual world, and dominate the digital economy with new-age & profitable revenue streams.

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Metaverse development refers to the development of applications and services that use virtual and augmented realities to create immersive digital experiences. It involves creating digital environments that are interactive, engaging, and entertaining and can be used to explore, play, learn, and interact with others. Metaverse development typically includes designing 3D models, developing interactive animations, and creating virtual worlds.

Maticz is the leading Metaverse Development company, providing Metaverse Development services ranging from consultation to monetization for various metaverse use cases such as games, events, virtual meeting platforms, and so on. We cater to Metaverse platforms that turn your ideas into a tech reality using our extensive experience in Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality.

Some of the important Metaverse Development services are Metaverse applications development, Metaverse development consulting, Metaverse Integration Services, Metaverse 3D Avatar development, and Metaverse 3D Space Development.

  • > Maticz
  • > Microsoft
  • > Quy Tech
  • > Kelton Tech
  • > Middeft

The cost of developing a Metaverse will depend on the specific features, tools, and type of environment desired. It is estimated that the cost can range anywhere from tens of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. According to industry reports, Meta has spent more than $10 billion in 2021 alone to realize its metaverse vision.

Starting a Metaverse is possible with the right skills and resources. Before beginning, it is critical to determine the type of Metaverse that will be created. After assembling a team of developers, graphic designers, and community managers, the next step is to create a 3D engine, user interface, and application programming interface. The work does not end with the deployment; it is also necessary to engage with users regularly and listen to their feedback.

Maticz is a pioneer in the development of the Metaverse. It has analyzed Metaverse's work and development on various concepts with our blockchain experts. Our professionals have completed over 50 projects and continue to work with clients from all over the world.

Building a Metaverse from the ground up could take four to six months. A complex project could take a year or more to develop, depending on the type of Metaverse, the business plan, the scope, and the features.

  • > Webaverse
  • > Hypercube
  • > Decentraland
  • > Microsoft Mesh
  • > Blender

Metaverse is the future, every time the globe adopts advanced technology and the result the present world is well-equipped with tons of innovations. And Metaverse is one of the kinds where most industries will adopt Metaverse for their metaverse development.

Metaverse is a 3D environment where you will be able to conduct events develop a digital space for your business or even award functions and run an office. Metaverse Platform development company works on various tech stacks to bring up these platforms.

Every metaverse project cost depends on the development complexity and tech stack used behind it and also the time period behind every project. If we come up in general it would cost between $15k-$20K/month and for a single project depends on the time period behind it.

The tech world has lots of Metaverse development companies but only a few like Maticz are well-equipped with certified blockchain developers and web3 developers. Get your metaverse platform for your business with an advanced tech stack from experienced developers.

Maticz is the pioneer in Metaverse development which has successfully developed and launched number of metaverse projects and working on its next stages. Maticz works on various metaverse projects for years to improve the presence of many metaverse projects in digital space.

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