White Label Crypto Exchange

A ground-breaking white label crypto exchange enables firms to launch a pitch-perfect cryptocurrency exchange platform with a more advanced protocol.


White Label Crypto Exchange Software

A white label crypto exchange software is a solution that allows instant integration and customization so that firms can launch their crypto exchange platform within a short time and investment. In addition, it improves business agility and enables brands to accelerate product development time and deliver a secure crypto exchange trading platform. White label crypto is a pre-coded algorithm that helps to create customizable crypto exchange platforms.

White label crypto exchange is a multi-functional cryptocurrency trading platform that enables crypto traders to securely transact and trade cryptocurrencies. It is built with cutting-edge technologies and frameworks for successful integration and customization. In addition, the white label crypto exchange platform contains more advanced crypto trading features like multi-sig wallets, robust architecture, trading bots, etc. It is an economical and more effective protocol for startups or projects with adequate capital and resources.

Best White label crypto exchange solution providers like Maticz offer versatile white label crypto exchange solutions and help global crypto-based startups and organizations to develop and deploy a multi-functional crypto exchange platform. As the industry-best white label crypto exchange software provider, we assure the scalability and success of your crypto exchange project.

Easy Integration
Multitude of Benefits
Versatile Solutions

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Maticz helps global organizations or startups to build an effective crypto exchange platform with top-notch white-label crypto exchange development solutions. As a technological firm, Maticz helps brands to start their crypto exchange platform with higher efficiency and credibility. We build White label crypto exchange platforms that come with new-age features & functionalities with precise performance.

Maticz keeps track of the global cryptocurrency market and helps firms to launch a white label-based crypto exchange platform based on their requirement and budget. Approach us, and we will help you figure out a perfect business scope and transform your existing crypto business ideas into the best cryptocurrency exchange trading platform.

Reliable Solutions
Next-gen White label software
Higher Efficiency
Better Scope
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White Label Crypto Exchange Development


White label crypto exchange includes market-demand features & next-gen functionalities to help investors conquer the cryptocurrency niche. It allows traders to trade securely and seamlessly.

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High TPS

TPS determines the viability of the crypto trading platform, and the advanced white label crypto software can process up to 100k transactions within a second


Optimized Trading Engine

A powerful trading engine allows the processing of sell or buys orders with less latency. In addition, it supports all market types, stop orders, and order limits.


Automated Bots

Automated tools like trading bots help crypto traders to grab market opportunities. These bots support seamless and 24/7 trading without any assistance.


High Liquidity

The white label crypto exchange platform support external liquidity, thus enabling seamless crypto trading and transactions under all market situations.



The staking feature enables cryptocurrency holders to earn incentives by locking the crypto assets for a specific time, which optimizes security, control, and liquidity.


Payment System

The white label cryptocurrency exchange software supports easy integration of multiple payment options to allow more effective transactions.


Multi Wallet

The white label cryptocurrency trading software contains a multi-wallet feature that supports secure storage and access to cryptocurrency.


Powerful Trading Chart

Powerful trading charts provide accurate trading statistics & predictions and help traders to make well-informed decisions and strategies


Admin Console

A powerful admin dashboard provides valuable insights and helps traders manage their funds and accounts effectively.


Multi-currency and Fiat Support

White label crypto exchange-based trading platform supports multiple fiat and cryptocurrencies, thus encouraging and empowering crypto traders.


Order Book

Order book tool contains a list of buy and sell orders for a specific cryptocurrency arranged according to the price level.


Crypto Trade Pair

Cryptocurrency trade pair features enable the trading of a cryptocurrency for another or stablecoin on a crypto trading platform.

In a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, central authority manages crypto trade between the seller and buyer. It provides extensive safety, and users have complete access to their private keys.

The decentralized exchanges eliminate the need for a central authority to allow peer-to-peer transactions and minimize the risks of hacks and fraudulent activities. In addition, transactions are secure and anonymous.

Hybrid exchanges have the attributes of both centralized and decentralized exchanges benefitting traders with continual liquidity, rapid transactions, privacy, etc. This model has the potential to optimize crypto trading activities.

The P2P crypto exchange allows trade between the users directly without any middlemen and facilitates an escrow protection mechanism. This model helps crypto traders save transaction costs and processing time.

The DeFi exchanges primarily focus on decentralization to swap various cryptocurrencies from various chains. The DeFi platform also supports liquidity, crypto lending, etc.


Maticz offers multiple white label crypto exchange development services with all the core functionalities to provide seamless and secure crypto trading.

White Label Crypto Exchange Development Services


Maticz provides the following white label crypto exchange solutions to help businesses meet their crypto exchange platform requirements within their capital. In addition, the conversion of white label crypto exchange solutions into a product for any business concept is simple.

White Label Crypto Exchange Platform

A white label crypto exchange platform is a versatile model that can be customized to meet the technical requirements of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. This pre-coded solution helps the investors to launch a cutting-edge crypto exchange platform with more secure architecture and save a lot of time

  • Ready-made Software
  • Cutting-edge Architecture
  • Hassle-free Solution

White Label Bitcoin Exchange

A white-label bitcoin exchange software enables the deployment of a dedicated platform that allows users to trade bitcoins with advanced matching and trading algorithms. Like the bitcoin trading platform, the development of an exclusive platform to trade other cryptocurrencies is easy with white label crypto software solutions.

  • Customizable Exchange Software
  • Scalable solutions
  • Dedicated Crypto Trading

White Label Crypto Exchange App

The white label crypto exchange app provides users with a seamless and efficient way to trade cryptocurrencies and make transactions. It brings portability to the crypto trading experience and enables crypto trading from any remote location using the internet and the mobile phones

  • Seamless 24/7 Tradin
  • Reliable Mobile Applications
  • Futuristic Updates

White Label Binance Clone

The white-label Binance clone allows the development and deployment of a Binance-like crypto exchange with market-pulling features according to industry trends. This white label software is best suited for businesses who want to integrate new-age crypto trading features in a Binance-like platform.

  • Market-demand Features
  • Quick Trading Platform Development
  • Improved Business Agility

White Label WazirX Clone

Like White label Binance clone, White label WazirX Clone helps in the creation of fine-tuned cryptocurrency exchange trading platforms like WazirX. In addition, this software enables the integration of cutting-edge features into the crypto trading platform that is a specialty of other popular crypto exchange platforms.

  • More Advanced Integrations
  • Cutting-edge Features
  • Special Characteristics

White Label Paxful Clone

White label Paxful clone script is a pre-built software that helps organizations to deploy a cryptocurrency exchange platform like Paxful. The customization of the white label solution to align well with the business needs is easy. The cost of white label Paxful software depends on the features, tech stack, resources, etc.

  • Flexible Business Model
  • More Advanced Tech Stack
  • Pre-built Solution

Hire White Label Crypto Exchange Developer

Maticz offers a unique white label crypto exchange solution that enables Starup to hire a crypto exchange developer based on the project. For instance, this model helps startups or enterprises to hire a resource when needed or for maintenance purposes. The cost of this white label crypto exchange software model usually ranges around $40/hr and saves cost.

  • Flexible Package
  • Efficient Developer
  • Guaranteed Resource

White Label Crypto Wallet

White label crypto wallet solutions enable the development of multi-functional, reliable,& more secure digital or crypto wallets in a short time and at an economical package. This pre-developed crypto wallet allows users to store, trade, access, and exchange cryptocurrencies and ensure secured transactions.

  • Secure Cryptocurrency Storage
  • Easy Retrieval
  • Instant Development

White Label DeFi Solutions

White label Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a pre-coded solution that enables the creation of a more advanced and secure multi-asset platform that helps crypto traders securely trade multiple digital assets. The main advantage is that the white label solutions increase product development time and save costs.

  • Cost Saving
  • Increased Development Time
  • Audited Algorithm

White Label Payment Gateway

White label Payment Gateway enables the cryptocurrency trading platform to customize the payment system under its branding and logo. These payment systems are pre-built solutions and completely decentralized. In addition, it is viable and helps merchants to develop their payment systems within their capital

  • Transparent Payment System
  • Personalized Solutions
  • Multiple Options

The white label crypto exchange software comes with the following security protocols to help crypto traders transact, trade, and store digital assets in a secure ecosystem.



Two-factor Authentication

It is a more advanced security system that needs two types of identity verification to access resources and data. Two-factor authentication belongs to the identity and access management security system. Two Factor Authentication or 2FA, helps crypto exchange investors and traders store and access their cryptocurrency.

Data Encryption

Data encryption is one of the applications of blockchain security protocols and is based on encryption algorithms. This security system encodes information or assets and requires a correct encryption key to access the data. So, the storage and retrieval of cryptocurrency are made easy and secure with this protocol.

CSRF Security

CSRF security protocols or CSRF tokens prevent CSRF attacks and the vulnerability of web security systems. This protocol assigns a different CSRF token for all the sessions, which consists of random numbers. For crypto transactions, a unique CSRF token is provided to ensure and validate the transaction.



KYC is one of the AML measures incorporated by organizations to collect & validate information about their customers. The white label crypto exchange platform includes these security protocols to make it hassle-free and volatile-free. KYC verifies the user, while AML safeguards the platform.

White-label crypto exchange development refers to processes that count for the build-up of a platform to Cryptos based on user-suggested specifications and customizations.

Project Scope Analysis

Our business analysts perform an in-depth analysis of the cryptocurrency market trends and formulate the specific goal and objectives of the project.

Client Requirement Analysis

The client requirements are figured out based on crypto exchange platform needs, and the technical resources like software, tools, and technologies to be incorporated are discussed.

Design Process

The Design stage allows the developers to create a user-focused design for the exchange platform, and it promotes the increased number of participants.

Development Stage

After the designing phase, the developed exchange platform is made fully automated and responsive by integrating the front-end and back-end functionalities.


The testing Stage allows the platform to undergo a series of tests like the User Acceptance Testing to check for its endurance against upcoming hack attacks and intruder attacks.

Project Deployment

After the testing phase, the developed crypto exchange platform is hosted on the server. Post-maintenance and regular security updates are available on the platform.


White Label Crypto Exchange Software Development Process


White label crypto exchange is beneficial to cryptocurrency traders and investors. Some noteworthy benefits of white label cryptocurrency exchange software are

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Maximized Liquidity

Liquidity is the crucial benefit of the white label crypto exchange software as it enables the instant conversion of crypto to fiat. Automatic trade executions through a liquidity pool are possible with Automated Market Maker (AMM).

UI/UX Customization

The main benefit of the white label cryptocurrency exchange script is the ability to design the user interface according to the project requirements. User-friendly interface helps users to trade and get familiar with all the tools in a short time.

Quick Product Development

Apart from the increased authenticity, the cryptocurrency exchange platforms developed using white label crypto exchange scripts accelerate the product development time and enable quick market launch.

Economical Models

White label cryptocurrency exchange script comes with various business models and helps startups or enterprises to launch their cryptocurrency exchange platform with intended features within their investment amount.

Staking Option

Staking features enable cryptocurrency traders to lock their funds in a liquidity pool and earn interest based on the value of the staked amount. It improves the scalability of the crypto and stabilizes its value.


White label cryptocurrency exchange software is scalable and enables easy or instant inclusion of new-age features or integrations into the cryptocurrency exchange. It helps investors to compete in the niche irrespective of market conditions.


More Advanced

White-label crypto exchange platform is built with more advanced technological frameworks and algorithms. It improves the reliability of the crypto exchange platform and helps it to thrive in the crypto niche.

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White Label Crypto Exchange Software

For White Label Crypto Exchange Software

Maticz offers the best white label cryptocurrency exchange software with completely transparent development models. It is possible due to widespread exposure to the Crypto market and the ability to develop a ready-to-market white-label crypto exchange for investors looking to launch a hassle-free crypto exchange. In addition, our white label crypto exchange platform is a multi-tested and ready-to-deploy model.

White Label Crypto Exchange software is a robust, secure, and cost-effective solution. The Crypto Exchange developers build the White Label Crypto Exchange software with market-demand features and user-suggested specifications to effectively carry out the trading of cryptos, tokens, stablecoins, etc. It contributes to the improved usability as well as the scalability of the Crypto Exchange Platform.

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White-label crypto exchange is a ready-to-launch crypto exchange platform for buying and selling cryptos, tokens, stablecoins, etc. The White label crypto exchange is a multi-tested exchange software developed, designed, and available for deployment.

The cost of white-label crypto exchange platform depends on the business requirements and business modules like white-label crypto exchange development services for which it might cost around USD 45,000.

Maticz, the leading White Label Crypto Exchange solution provider, developed the White Label Crypto Exchange with user-suggested specifications to effectively carry out the exchange of Cryptos, tokens, and stablecoins to promote the scalability of the platform.

Owing to the fluctuating demands of the current Crypto sphere and Crypto Entrepreneurs, our platform has ready provisions for Bot and Liquidity. Liquidity is the highlight feature in any available DEX now.

Our White Label Crypto Exchange Software comes with market-pulling characteristics such as scalability, robustness, feasibility, and efficiency that ensure the reliability and simplicity of the platform.

The white-label cryptocurrency exchange script comes with more secure blockchain protocols like data encryption, regular security audits, etc., to enable secure cryptocurrency trading, and ensure that exchange is free from technical glitches.

White-label crypto exchange solution comes with market-demand features and includes benefits like instant customization, faster market deployment, economical, audited source code, etc.

There are many ways to get revenue like Trading Commission Fees, Deposit Fee, Withdrawal Fee, and brand building, and also you get revenue by charging a fee for Crypto or Token Listing.

It depends upon the type of Crypto exchange platform which you want to launch. If you choose the white-label crypto exchange, it takes 15-30 days for the exchange platform to launch, and Crypto exchange development from scratch takes longer than white-label crypto solutions.

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