Maticz is an all-in-one digital banking platform provider that offers white-label digital banking solutions and custom digital banking software at an affordable cost.

The dynamics of bank-customer interactions have undergone significant transformation due to the advent of Digital Banking. In today's thriving landscape of technology and finance, an increasing number of individuals are connecting to digital banking platforms daily. Nowadays, the majority of banks provide digital banking services that have been seamlessly integrated into the core of their operations. The evolution brought about by digital banking has revolutionized today’s banking practices.

What is Digital Banking?

Digital banking represents the comprehensive digitization of banking processes, harnessing advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Robotic Process Automation, among others, to streamline and automate diverse banking functions. This transition offers the opportunity to embrace a paperless banking experience, eliminating the need for manual tracking of transactions or banking history through physical documentation.

The essence of digital banking is encapsulated within a digital framework, rendering redundant the use of traditional paperwork like checks, deposit slips, and demand drafts. This implies that all banking activities are accessible through online channels. The beauty of digital banking lies in its capacity to provide unrestricted access to traditional banking tasks around the clock, eliminating the necessity of personal visits to a physical branch for completion. The realm of digital banking can be explored through devices such as laptops, tablets, or mobile phones.

Statistics on Digital Banking Platforms 

A considerable number of traditional banks joined the trend as they observed a surge in users adopting digital channels. The increasing reliance of customers on mobile apps for their everyday banking tasks and transactions has elevated mobile banking to a pivotal role within the realm of digital banking. Recent research indicates that 61% of consumers express a moderate to high likelihood of transitioning to a digital-only provider. 

According to Statista's report, the global count of active online banking users is projected to reach one billion by 2024. Anticipations indicate that the worldwide market for digital banking platforms will expand to $13.9 Billion by 2026. This transformation has compelled the banking sector to shift towards a more customer-centered and technology-proficient approach, prompting traditional banks to adopt fresh digital technologies and paradigms to remain engaged throughout the customer journey.

Digital Banking Solutions 

Digital banking solutions encompass technological tools and services that allow banks and financial institutions to offer their customers numerous ways to manage their finances and perform banking activities. These solutions have grown in demand as everyone seeks efficient and flexible ways to interact with their financial accounts and services. They empower businesses to optimize financial operations, reduce manual processes, enhance cash flow management, and make data-driven decisions. As technology continues to advance, digital banking solutions are becoming essential tools for businesses looking to stay competitive and efficient in a digital economy. 

Being the leading Digital Banking Solution Provider, Maticz offers innovative digital banking solutions encompassing a range of technologies and platforms that enable banks to offer online and mobile banking services to their customers. These solutions collectively represent the modernization of banking and financial services through technology. Our enhanced services are well-suited to diverse businesses in the financial sector, including traditional banks and startups, who are increasingly adopting digital banking solutions to stay competitive.

White Label Digital Banking Platform

White-label digital banking platform is a customizable banking software that helps financial institutions and banks streamline their business operations and offer friendly online banking services to their customers. These solutions are tailored to fulfill the customer's financial needs by integrating mobile banking apps, peer-to-peer payment gateways, E-wallets, and other robust security features and functionalities. Many financial organizations and banks are availing of white-label digital banking solutions to maintain their brand identity and provide a cost-effective digital banking experience to the users. 

White Label Digital Bank is a custom banking platform that offers a comprehensive suite of digital banking tools to make the banking experiences convenient and accessible. The white-label digital banking software has market-pulling features like mobile banking, P2P transactions, seamless customer onboarding, card issuing, multicurrency bank accounts, etc. This helps financial institutions create a digital presence in the digital banking arena and is also an efficient way for users to manage their finances. Avail of our white-label digital banking platform which provides customer-centric banking solutions to your customers. 

Custom Digital Banking Solutions 

Tailored digital banking offerings that can be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual banks. This might involve unique branding, features, and integrations based on the bank's requirements.

Omnichannel Banking Solutions 

Providing a consistent and seamless banking experience across multiple channels, including online, mobile, ATMs, and physical branches. Customers can switch between channels without losing their progress or data.


A platform that allows non-bank entities (like fintech companies) to integrate banking services into their offerings. BaaS enables third parties to provide financial services without building their banking infrastructure.

Identity Verification Solutions

These solutions use various methods (such as biometrics, document verification, and AI) to confirm the identity of customers during onboarding and transactions, enhancing security and compliance.

Mobile Banking 

Mobile banking, a key aspect of digital banking, involves providing customers with mobile apps that enable them to perform various banking tasks on their smartphones and tablets.

Onboarding and Origination

The process of bringing new customers on board and facilitating the opening of new accounts or services. Digital solutions streamline this process, reducing paperwork and enhancing the customer experience.

Payment Suite 

A collection of tools and services that cover various payment methods, including online transfers, bill payments, peer-to-peer payments, and more. A payment suite simplifies financial transactions for customers


A neo-bank is a digital banking institution that functions entirely on the Internet and lacks conventional brick-and-mortar branches. Neobanks often focus on providing user-friendly, technology-driven banking experiences, and they may offer services like fee-free accounts, budgeting tools, and faster customer support.

Enterprise Integration Platform

This refers to a technology platform that facilitates the integration of various software systems within a business, such as connecting digital banking solutions with back-end systems, customer databases, and third-party services.

Payment Card and Switch Management 

Payment card and switch management involves the administration and control of payment cards issued by the bank, as well as the management of switches that handle electronic transactions between different parties.

Benefits of Digital Banking Solutions 

Digital Transformation 

Implementing digital banking solutions is a crucial step toward modernizing your business operations. It allows you to shift from traditional, paper-based processes to streamlined digital workflows, enhancing overall efficiency and the customer experience.

Easier Customer Acquisition

Digital banking solutions offer the convenience of online account opening and application processes. This can attract tech-savvy customers who prefer a seamless onboarding experience without the need to visit a physical branch.

Faster Time to Market 

Digital platforms enable banks to quickly roll out new products, services, and features to meet changing market demands. This agility is essential in staying competitive and capturing new opportunities.

Optimized Operations 

Automation and digital workflows help reduce manual intervention and errors, leading to smoother operations and improved efficiency. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings and better resource allocation.

Enhanced Security 

Modern digital banking solutions integrate cutting-edge security techniques like encryption, multi-factor authentication, and biometric validation to ensure the security of customer data and transactions. This helps to build confidence among customers and lower the potential for security breaches.

Greater Collaborations

Digital platforms often offer integrations with third-party services, allowing banks to collaborate with fintech companies, payment providers, and other partners to offer a wider range of services to customers.

Scalability and Efficiency 

Digital banking solutions are highly scalable, allowing banks to cater to a growing customer base without the limitations of physical infrastructure. This scalability promotes cost-effective growth.

Best Digital Banking Platforms in 2023


Finacle caters to financial institutions aiming to offer their clients versatile assistance across various channels for enrolling, interacting with customers, and delivering continuous banking amenities. Its scope encompasses fundamental banking functionalities like trade finance, efficient fund handling, secure blockchain payments, and additional services. The platform delivers a comprehensive array of attributes, including a digital wallet, seamless API integrations, efficient account administration, and numerous other features. Its history demonstrates its ability to assist global financial establishments in boosting the usage of digital wallets and mobile banking applications.


The comprehensive digital banking solution from Alkami offers a complete package for banks and similar financial entities to establish and maintain connections with both individual and business clients. It furnishes bankers with an instinctive mobile application interface, enabling users to adeptly handle transactions, initiate account setups, and engage virtually with customer service agents. Through its extensive array of functionalities, including credit oversight, loan requests, automated invoicing, and more, the platform facilitates the creation of personalized user journeys for end-users.


The Appway banking platform assists financial establishments in designing smart processes that simplify the procedures for client enrollment, management, and adherence to regulations. This solution is ideal for those seeking to minimize the intricacy and time investment involved in client onboarding and regulatory evaluations. Users can construct and customize entirely digital self-service interactions by employing surveys and automated directions, resulting in streamlined experiences.


Finflux offers a cloud-based lending platform. Renowned for its extensive range of API integrations, it provides banks with a straightforward means to assess data from diverse origins and personalize digital interactions for clients. Boasting unique functionalities such as audit trails, electronic signatures, document handling, and more, it presently caters to over four million users spanning multiple scenarios.


The NETinfo digital banking solution is crafted to provide a smooth digital banking encounter across a range of channels, spanning from your computer browser to mobile applications and electronic wallets. Banks and financial service providers harness this platform to introduce cloud-based solutions encompassing banking, retail, investment, and wealth management services. The NETinfo digital banking platform encompasses functionalities like fund transfers, page construction tools, multilingual online banking systems, and more.

Technologies Used in Digital Banking Platform 

AI and ML 

Artificial Intelligence has transformed the operations of the banking and financial industries using chatbots and digital assistants. Machine Learning collaborates with data to gather, and compare customer information in real-time, contributing to the identification of fraudulent activities.


Undoubtedly, the digital revolution in banking remains unfinished without the incorporation of Blockchain technology. Blockchain enhances the worth of your banking offerings by ensuring transparency and security throughout transactions while also eliminating the need for intermediaries.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation proves to be a suitable remedy for handling vast amounts of data, particularly in banking environments requiring standardized procedures. It simplifies the task of processing and extracting data without the need for manual intervention or the risk of errors.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing empowers financial organizations to oversee their data on distant servers, delivering heightened security, accelerated processing speed, and reduced expenses. This not only enhances their operational processes but also yields elevated efficiency and immediate distribution of services.

Big Data 

We cannot ignore Big Data when it comes to Digital transformation. Big Data possesses the capability to transform the banking domain by scrutinizing customer spending patterns, overseeing risk factors, and handling customer feedback. Furthermore, it aids financial institutions in staying ahead of evolving and increasing market requirements.

Digital Banking Platform Provider 

Delivering a customer experience rooted in digital solutions has become an imperative requirement. Initiating a path of digital transformation signifies the initial stride towards embracing innovation, flexibility, and competitiveness within the dynamic landscape of finance. Companies looking to launch a digital bank can get it on the market in a fraction of the time by partnering with Maticz

Maticz is a prominent digital banking platform provider that offers top-notch digital banking platforms and software. We build highly reliable digital banking software from scratch, and if you want to save development time and minimize costs, you have the option to establish your banking venture utilizing our pre-developed digital banking software solution. From mobile banking and online payments to digital wallets and multi-currency accounts, Maticz offers holistic custom software development services that empower banks to offer diverse financial services on a single, integrated platform. We are the perfect partner for companies looking to thrive in the digital banking landscape. 

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