Data Migration is the process of transferring data from one storage system to another location. It is carried out by enterprises for simplifying their business operations and reducing operational costs.

Moving information from one place to another is not an easy task to do. It takes a lot of extensive planning and preparation to move millions of data to a new system. This is where Data Migration comes in. Data Migration is not about just copying and pasting data, it can also result in a huge loss if not done properly. To reap its full benefits, one needs a comprehensive guide that explains what exactly it is and how to use it strategically, which is met by this article.

What is Data Migration?

Data Migration refers to moving data between locations, formats, or applications. Many companies do this regularly as their business procedure. A company might move its data for one of two reasons. One is that it wants to be updated on technology and the other is when an upgrade to the storage system is required rather than being motivated by a shortage of available storage capacity.

A solid data migration plan can help organizations build a new system or relocate information to more secure storage locations. Although data migration is a somewhat complex and time-consuming process, it is manageable with careful planning. Its main objective is to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of your IT operations as well as your organization as a whole.

Why do you need Data Migration for your Business?

Data Migration is necessary for businesses to ensure that their data is up-to-date and secure. It also allows for better analytics and insights into the business, providing a more accurate picture of the company’s performance. By migrating data, businesses can improve their efficiency and reduce costs that help them make informed decisions and remain competitive in the industry. 

Enhanced Data Security and Storage

Data Migration allows for the transfer of data to a secure environment that helps reduce the risk of data breaches. By moving data to a new storage system, it can increase storage capacity and speed.

Improved Scalability

Migrating data enables businesses to quickly and easily scale up their operations as their business grows.

Reduced Downtime

While the migration takes place, one can allow their business operation to continue since Data Migration can minimize or even eliminate downtime.

Cost Efficiency

Data Migration can help to streamline processes making them more efficient and reduce costs.

Better Customer Experience

Providing faster access to data and improved data accuracy can help to improve the customer experience.


As the technology requirements grow, companies need to transfer data between various platforms and applications. With Data Migration, one can remain flexible and avoid being dependent on one or more platforms.

Greater Collaboration

Teams may collaborate more effectively and gain visibility into what's happening across the business by tearing down data that can be accessed by a particular group of a company.

Step-by-Step Data Migration Process

Data Migration can have a significant impact on a business, so following a clear, well-defined process is crucial to a successful migration. To successfully migrate data, it is essential to assess the source data thoroughly and understand the target location before initiating the migration process.

Creating a Data Migration Plan

The first step is to remove any unrelated data and have the minimal amount of data needed to operate the system successfully. The requirements of the system to which the data is going to be transferred need to be analyzed as a part of the migration plan.

Auditing and Using Digital Tools

Examining the data helps in recognizing and removing old and unnecessary data which is no longer considered important. For large projects, automated digital tools can be used to simplify the time-consuming process of auditing.

Retrieving Data Before Migration

Having a complete backup of the content we need to migrate before starting the migration process is like being on the safer side since it will prevent data loss if the process doesn’t end well.

Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data (ETL Process)

The next step is very crucial since it involves extracting data from several sources and transferring them into one cohesive data store before loading the data successfully into the target system.

Checking the Data Quality 

Each section of the migrated data should be tested so that issues can be fixed quickly. Frequent testing ensures the security and quality of the data once it enters the target system.

Verifying the Results with the Clients

The final step is to check the results with the business users before launching. The post-migration audit ensures that the information is transferred and recorded properly.

Types of Data Migration

There are numerous business benefits to upgrading systems or expanding a data center into the cloud. For many companies, this is a natural progression. Companies choose the type of data migration they must perform to suit their demands based on their requirements.

Storage Migration

In Storage Migration, data is moved across storage devices. It involves moving from any physical medium like paper, tapes, and hard disk drives (HDD) to virtual-based storage like digital, solid-state drives, and cloud. Most companies prefer storage migration when they have to upgrade to modern storage equipment.

Application Migration

Application migration is the process of moving data from one computing environment to another, including workstations, applications, and data storage devices. It often happens when a company switches its application software or its dealer. Data migration across applications has been proven to be effective with middleware software, customized scripts, and APIs.

Business Process Migration

Business process migration is the process of transferring a business process from one system to another. This could be from one software system to another, from one company to another, or from one technology to another. It is mainly done when a company needs to upgrade its existing systems or processes or when a company acquires another firm and needs to combine its operations.

Database Migration

Unlike other data migrations, Database migration needs proper planning since it is delicate to handle. It involves upgrading the database engine and transferring all of the installed database’s files to a new device. Data Migration is useful when a company wants to save its resources by switching to a cloud-based database. 

Data Center Migration

The process of moving data from the existing data center operating environment to a new location is known as Data Center Migration. It can significantly improve your company’s operating environment and produce benefits like ROI. The data center may contain servers, switches, routers, computers, and hardware. 

Cloud Migration

Moving data or applications from one cloud or cloud provider to another including hybrid, public, and private clouds refers to Cloud Migration. Data migration always takes the form of cloud migration since cloud providers offer services like storage, database, and application migration. It provides an opportunity for some businesses to use multi-cloud systems.

Data Migration Best Practices 

Instead of putting migrations behind another project with a vast scope, teams should give them their full attention while planning and strategizing the task. Although there are a lot of practices for data migration, here listed two are significant because of their advantages.

Bigbang Data Migration

Bigbang Data Migration is the process of moving information and applications from various unrelated systems into a single, integrated system. Data consolidation and transfer from legacy systems to contemporary databases, apps, and services are also included in this process. It aids companies in reducing costs, enhancing customer satisfaction, and managing data more effectively.

Trickle Data Migration

One of the important approaches to Data Migration is Trickle Migration in which data is migrated in small batches, bit by bit, instead of moving all at once. It is beneficial in cases where the data is too large to move in one go. This gradual transfer of data helps to reduce the strain on the target system and helps to ensure that the data is transferred accurately and efficiently.

Collaborate with Us For Data Migration

By now, you should be aware of what benefits data transfer can bring to a company. It could increase productivity by strengthening the security of your data. Many of you would have concluded that the task is better left in the hands of experts due to the high degree of risk in it. Any significant loss of data has the potential to harm your company in ways that cannot be repaired. You wouldn't want that to occur, which is why Maticz is here to assist you. 

Leading Software Development Company, Maticz has years of experience working with both large and small businesses, including well-established companies and start-ups. Our experienced team of data migration specialists has worked on various projects of all sizes. Join us to discuss the process in detail. 

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