An article to understand the scope of web3 in social media and social networking. Know the various benefits of web3 in social networking and social media.

It’s time for us to experience all that previously seemed unachievable since web3 works like magic with social media and networking. It moves us forward to a web3 space where fresh improvements take place more recognizably and safely. But let's be clear about the distinction between social media and social networking before delving into the role of web3 in social networking and web3 social media.

Social Media and Social Networking - How it differs?

Social networking is the act of establishing and maintaining relationships over the internet amongst individuals who share similar perspectives to foster those ties whereas social media is still a vehicle or platform to facilitate shared content and promote business in social networking. Social media aims for marketing and promotions, in contrast to social networking, whose main objective is to foster relationships.

Social media differs from social networking, which is built on two-way contact, by disseminating information and content to a large audience through a message. Direct connection via social networking allows you to have more open, focused, and private conversations with the people you choose to connect with.  Since using social media requires a lot of time and effort, it may not have prompt responses because you cannot automate individual discussions or amass a sizable follower network overnight.

What is Web3 Social Media? 

Web3 in Social media aims to build a decentralized social media ecosystem shifting from the traditional web2.0 social media.  The main advantage of web3 social media is that the users have complete control over their data's. Social media is a common source of enjoyment for the great majority of internet users around the world. Web3 social media gives users more control and privacy by focusing on three-way communication and decentralized internet technology.

Web3 Social Media puts a lot of emphasis on fostering communities and improving information and idea sharing that is focused on the community. On Web3 social media platforms, users are free to express themselves without interference from corporate people. It alleviates the issues which plagued Web2 social media by giving users more freedom, privacy, and possibilities.

Why Web3 in Social Media?

In the Web3 Social Media Platform, users can not only create content but also earn money through it. Content creators can make their own rules and regulations and rule their space. Unlike other Web2 Social media platforms, it is ad-free and self-monetized. 

Web3 social media platforms are the better alternatives to Web2 giants like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc where users’ privacy and content are always prone to hacking. 

In Web2 social media, platforms only make money while the users will be left with nothing. But in Web3 social media, users need not be dependent on any platforms or advertisers for revenue. There is no room for intermediaries or middlemen since it is fully decentralized. 

With Web3 in Social media, it is no more in the clutches of the big corporates. It enhances the online interaction between individuals or groups along with the benefits such as enhanced security, privacy, ownership, and monetization. 

Top 5 Web3 Social Media Platforms in 2023

Web3 social media platforms allow people to interact with one another without needing one to boss around them. Here is the list of the 5 best web3 social media platforms to use in 2023.


Odysee is a decentralized social media platform that allows users to host and share various types of content. To use this platform, users need not be blockchain enthusiasts. It provides independent creators with a secure platform for content monetization. 

With the help of the YouTube Sync feature, authors may quickly upload previously created material to the Odysee platform and have it simultaneously uploaded to both platforms. Instead of attempting to take market share away from the leading streaming provider, Odysee enables consumers to seamlessly link multiple accounts and get the most out of both platforms.


Audius is a Web3 music platform like Spotify that helps artists make more money by letting them sell their music straight to their fans without needing other people to help. This means the artists get to keep most of the money they make and choose how they want to make money from their music.

In Audius, musicians can launch their songs. It has some cool things like a special place for the musicians to see who is listening to their songs, information about how popular their songs are, and an easy way for people who like the songs to pay the musicians.


Mastodon is an open-source Web3 social media platform for microblogging. It's different because it helps protect people's messages from being hacked by others. It also helps people make money and connect with others.

This helps people in groups to have more control and freedom to do things online. It also keeps their information private and safe. It has unique features like talking and voting with pictures. You can even make your own cartoon character move around.


MINDS is a place where people can talk to each other on the internet and get paid with special digital money when they post things or comment. It's really safe and secure too!

MINDS is a website that has a lot of cool things you can do, like talking to your friends in private, chatting with a bunch of people at once, and watching live videos. It also gives prizes to people who make really good stuff that other people like.


Mirror is a web-3 publishing platform that prioritizes decentralization and user privacy. It enables users to produce and distribute original material while also giving them monetization control over their creations. 

For its users, Mirror offers several options, such as an editor, reader view, social media integration, and wallet support. Through the Mirror Dashboard, users can also quickly deploy web3 applications on their website.

Web3 Social Media vs Traditional Web2 Social Media

Unlike Web 2.0-based social media channels, Web 3.0 social media platforms are free from data breaches, privacy violations, server outages, etc. Tech giants have complete control over user data and UGC (User Generated Content) in the current social media platform. In contrast, Web3-based social media platforms enable users to gain authority over their data and content.

In fact, Web 3.0 social media platforms are built, governed, and managed by users for their benefit. Web3 social media platforms allow users to monetize their content in immeasurable ways. Alternatively, in traditional social media, the revenues are incurred by platform owners. 

Web 3.0 social network makes a positive shift and drastically changes how users are connected, whereas Web 2.0 social platform places users at stake. Current social media platforms store all the information on centralized databases and are prone to cyber-attacks. Alternatively, Web 3.0-powered social platforms improve privacy & transparency and safeguard users' data, thanks to the data encryption in blockchain technology.

Web 3.0 social platforms are powered by dApps (decentralized applications), which exist on a P2P network with several thousands of nodes connected worldwide. Hence, the malfunction of a single node is unlikely to affect other systems making these platforms run unhampered with no single point of the hindrance.

What are the Benefits of Web3 Social Media?

Web3 social media platform provides more power, freedom, and privacy to the user with a three-way communication system and decentralized internet technology. Web3 unfolds numerous benefits for social media platforms, some of which are given below.

Open Source 

Web3 is a decentralized internet that runs on a permissionless blockchain network. The Openness of the Web3 social media platform encourages active collaboration among its participants. It allows tech peeps to build a better platform with enhanced user experience and cutting-edge features. 

There are no censors or gatekeepers in web3 social media to change the Application Programming Language (API) to restrict access to anyone. The codebase of the Web3-based platform is readily accessible and can be used to accelerate the development process without altering the source code.

Cross-chain Compatibility

Web3 will be 100% interoperable in the upcoming days which allows users to access the realm of decentralized applications across different blockchain networks within the decentralized space. It will enhance the mobility freedom of the user and encourages better collaboration. 

Further, it allows content, data, and assets created in one social network to share with another social media channel. It improves scalability and enables users to access an easy-to-use and holistic space where their activities can be unrestrained.

Bot and Spammer-free

In Web 2.0 social media platforms, it is possible that more than half the accounts are fake or spam, or bot. It increases the security risks and enables the fraudster to steal user information or money. 

Web 3.0 removes the possibility of fake and spam accounts with its security protocols like KYC & AML. It safeguards user assets & data and gives them complete control. Web3 enables the user and authorized person to access the data and makes them inaccessible to others which amplifies the user trust and addresses their security concerns.

User Owned Content

In Web 2.0, UGC and accounts can be removed, due to various reasons, as it allows platform owners to dominate the ecosystem. Web 3.0-based social media platforms resolve this user pain point by allowing users to generate, own and manage the content.

Web3 social media platforms are unaffected by censorship, and the content you keep on the blockchain is yours and yours alone. If you choose to leave a platform to link to a more useful interface, you can take your content with you.

Web3 enables the user to even transfer their content along with their account from one social media platform to another platform which benefits them the most with its interoperability.

Monetizing Opportunity

Web 3.0 social media platform unravels an array of monetizing opportunities for users and rewards users based on fair compensation metrics. Web 3.0 prevent spam & fake accounts and tracks user engagement & popularity using blockchain ledgers.

The creators can gain compensation based on the quality of their content, and the blockchain-powered smart contract enables automatic payment to users based on the metrics. 

Increased Control and Security

Many social media platforms monetize user data and content without their consent by leveraging their trust in the platform. In short, these platforms view users as valuable products. Web3 improves the security and privacy of the user by eliminating centralized authority with DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and distributed storage network.

In addition, Web3 prevents data breaches and data vulnerability issues. It prevents unauthorized parties gain control over user data and content with the uncompromisable security protocol of the blockchain network.

Improved Transactions

Further, Web3 social media channels are adaptable, and the incorporation of essential and demanding services like in-app payment, shopping, etc. will enhance the user experience and transaction facility to a great extent. 

For instance, smart contracts facilitate P2P transactions without intermediaries with increased security and ease of use of blockchain networks.

What is Web3 Social Network?

Web3 Social Network is the next generation of present social networks that enable users to connect with fellow persons and share their views in a decentralized network. Web3 intends to create a decentralized social networking ecosystem where users can have control over their data. Web3 social networks remain a subset of decentralized applications as they are developed over blockchain technology.

The social network has experienced huge changes since its existence in various forms and now web3 is boosting its growth with respect to the upcoming decentralized digital space. Web3 social networks are favored with the user-centric approach and which will be loved by most of the users.

Why Web3 in Social Networking?

Web3 in Social Networking is considered a doorway for decentralized social communication. Web3 in social networking facilitates creating an interactive environment for individual and professional connections with noteworthy benefits listed below.

User centricity

Web3 in social networking puts the security and privacy of users in the first place instead of utilizing their data as a product in exchange for money. It eliminates the use of centralized networks where users need to lose the content they have spent years building up if they don’t abide by their rules.

Protective Shield 

Online scammers can more easily take over the system and sell the information by using the information about a user's friend list, liked posts, accounts they follow, etc. Which is all stored in centralized databases to create a tailored feed for each user. However, by concealing and securing data, the inclusion of blockchain's data encryption technology in web3 makes it difficult for unauthorized parties to access the server.

In-App Purchases

The best option for integrating in-app payments is Web3, which uses blockchain technology and secures peer-to-peer transactions. Without leaving the website, it enables consumers to come forward and disclose their financial data with any platforms they are using.

Validation of Content Precision

Online, half of what we read or see is fake news that most consumers are unaware of. However, websites can be evaluated to verify the accuracy of content utilizing web3 in social networking.

Digital ID Verification

Social networking websites utilize web3 to stop the rife bots and fake accounts with the use of identity authentication techniques in the modern online world where it is impossible to tell actual accounts from those controlled by bots.

Automated Payment

Making use of blockchain ledgers and smart contracts, Web3 in social networking can detect user activities and execute automated payouts accordingly without displaying prejudice. It also prevents the bot accounts from getting rewards.

How Does Web3 Social Network Work?

Web3 social networks are built on a decentralized network and support all kinds of decentralized applications. Like cryptocurrencies, it also utilizes blockchain technology that stores immutable data in its transparent digital ledger. In this kind of network, smart contracts are used to efficiently carry out backend tasks. 

The decentralized applications exist on a peer-to-peer network that consists of thousands of nodes globally. Even if one or two nodes do not function properly, it will not affect the entire network. Thus, users can get uninterrupted services all the time on Web3 social networks. 

All Web3 platforms which are powered by blockchain, include publishing platforms, social networking platforms, blogging platforms, and more. Users can use cryptocurrencies and tokens in this social network which is not possible in Web2 social network. They can sell, buy and earn rewards in dApps. 

Future Scope of Web3 Social Media and Web3 Social Network

Every user in the globe has their contribution towards social media and the entry of web3 social media will change the view of social media platforms as a whole. For example, let's take web2 social media Twitter into account there are more than 217+ million active daily users and more than 350000 tweets sent per minute which is huge in number and social media has become a part of human life at present.

Instagram starts rolling out NFT features to hold its users and continue its rule even in the web3 space. This shows the sign of how social media platforms are transforming toward web3 space. There are already many web3 social media platforms developed with the minds of entrepreneurs and experienced blockchain developers. So, it's not new to users who are exploring web3 for years.

There are billions of people in the world who still couldn't understand the impact of web3 use cases and this market is unimaginable and can open up a new record in the global market very soon. Web3 social media will open up the freedom of speech and safety to users all over the globe and also a new view towards social media platforms.

Conclusion - Web3 to Dominate Social Media and Social Networking

The Web3 revolution will produce a win-win situation for all parties involved and change the social media environment. It will fundamentally alter how people connect, conduct business, and socialize today. The transition from Web 2.0 social platforms to Web3 social networks will be fueled by these benefits. The leading Web 3.0 development company, Maticz, has been providing the best in web3 technology with a variety of platform development for years. Create your web3 social media platform right now by collaborating with us!

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