Maticz offers LocalCryptos Clone Script to Start Escrow Based P2P Crypto Exchange like LocalCryptos. Our LocalCryptos Clone Software supports exchange of unlimited cryptos & tokens.

Maticz, the pioneer Blockchain development company has a thorough knowledge of the core concepts relating to Blockchain and cryptocurrencies and offers a quality of service that is competent with globally recognized crypto-based solutions. 

Our blockchain developers have clarity in the thought process and arrive at solutions that drive off complexity in Crypto-related queries. 

We at Maticz thoroughly analyze and develop various Cryptocurrency Exchanges like Decentralized Exchange, P2P Exchange, and Hybrid Exchanges based on the requirements of the client. Based on our analysis, we have found the LocalCryptos Clone Software to be of extreme use to the participants, who wish to start an escrow-powered P2P Crypto Exchange like LocalCryptos. 

LocalCryptos Clone Script

LocalCryptos Clone Script is a customized P2P crypto exchange script that enables you to launch an escrow-powered P2P crypto exchange like LocalCryptos. Our LocalCryptos Clone Script has features like Escrow, P2P Exchange, Multi-Sig Wallets, Unlimited Payment Gateway integration, Cryptos & Tokens support, etc.

Maticz's LocalCryptos Clone Script is completely a White-Label Solution: You can customize our LocalCryptos Clone platform as per your business requirements. Book a live demo & check how our LocalCryptos Clone Script works:

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LocalCryptos - Overview

LocalCryptos is a marketplace promoting the Peer-to-Peer Exchange of Cryptocurrencies to take place. LocalCryptos promotes both the buying and selling of Cryptos through the advertisement posting process. The buyers and sellers will be allowed to take part in trade just by posting ads on the LocalCryptos platform.


Initially, when the LocalCryptos was developed it was made to operate only on the basis of the Ethereum and it was called LocalEthereum. After the development of attributes that contributed to the transfer of BTC-based assets, the platform was readily re-named as the Local Cryptos.

LocalCryptos vs Exchanges:

Both the LocalCryptos and the available recognized Exchanges are similar in their core functionalities (i.e.) they transact crypto assets between a buyer and a seller. But the key difference is that unlike other exchanges the LocalCryptos do not allow the transaction to happen within it. The payments associated with the transaction of Cryptos are not mediated through the LocalCryptos Platform, the payments are made outside the LocalCryptos Platform.

How to Build a P2P Crypto Exchange Like Local Cryptos?   

There are 2 available modes to build an escrow-powered P2P Crypto Exchange like LocalCryptos.

Option 1:

The first option deals with developing the entire platform from scratch delivering the end-to-end services of the LocalCryptos exchange platform. This will require a large degree of precision and patience for developers to arrive at the prescribed platform.

Option 2:

The second option is to build the LocalCryptos Clone that delivers only the features that are specified by the end-users for ease of access to transact their assets.

LocalCryptos Clone 

LocalCryptos Clone is a white-label crypto exchange platform that operates similarly to LocalCryptos which promotes the exchange of cryptocurrencies with the desired fiat currencies as per the requirements of the participants. Our Local Cryptos Clone offers features like the entirely decentralized P2P process, transparency, and secured and systemic asset transfer while transacting Crypto assets between a buyer and seller over a dedicated framework. 

Our LocalCryptos Clone comes up with an escrow-enabled smart contract system which is an unalterable entity. Smart contract-secured transactions account for the longevity of the exchange process therefore enabling the users with a primary degree of trust. 

Features of LocalCryptos Clone Script

· Multiple payment modes

· Extreme degree of security

· Highly transparent transactions

· No middlemen involvement

· Feasible with multiple fiat currencies like BTC and Litecoin

Security Features of LocalCryptos Clone Script

· Non-custodial management of assets

· Highly personalized wallets

· Encrypted through AES

· Escrow-powered Smart Contract security

· Peer-To-Peer person to person asset delivery

LocalCryptos Clone Script Wallet

The entire transactions associated with the Localcryptos clone script are mediated by the centralized wallet developed by our experts. The wallet is a highly secured asset monitoring system that mediates transactions to take place over a safe and secure framework. The password set at the time of the creation of the account will function as the pass key to monitor and validate the transaction of assets from the wallet.

Read More: Best Crypto Wallets

Our LocalCryptos Clone supports instant Buy/Sell BTC

Our LocalCryptos Clone readily supports faster transactions associated with the bitcoins & altcoins that allow traders to buy and sell BTC instantly. 

With the current booming performance of Bitcoins, it is essential for investors to have a rapid-speed transaction engine that provides for the BTC to be transferred hassle-free over a trusted and transparent framework with dynamic features. 

The dynamic features allow our platform to automatically adjust itself to the future needs of the participants exclusively transacting BTC.  

How does LocalCryptos Clone Script Work?  

There are two main entities that occur within our LocalCryptos Clone Script as core functionalities. They are buying and selling Cryptos.


The buying of Crypto is carried out in a sequence of six steps. The steps include,

· Account creation

· Offer matching

· Open up trade

· Wait for the seller's response to Escrow

· Transfer money to the seller

· Procure assets from the seller

Account Creation:

The first step in buying Cryptos is account creation, it is mandatory for anyone who wishes to take part in a transaction to have an account created with respect to the LocalCryptos Clone. The account is created by just mentioning the e-mail id and choosing a particular password for it. This particular password will be a managing factor in the wallet creation process of the LocalCryptos Clone Script.

Offer Matching:

After creating the account, the participant can look for corresponding offers that match his criterion for exchanging his Crypto assets. The offers will be available based on the factors that include,

· Payment modes

· Location

· Popularity

· Price

Payment modes:

The offers are arranged based on the different payment modes available, they are credit cards, UPI, and debit cards.


The orders are matched to specific locations specified by the users.


The orders are made available to the users descending directly from the most popular seller.


The orders are made available based on the price of the asset to be traded.


Selling also involves six sets of streamlined processes to carry out trade. The only thing is that sellers need to verify the validity of the buyer and then agree to trade off his asset. The transactions are validated through the use of the Escrow portal.

How does the Escrow Portal Work?

The Escrow is a third party, monitoring the security associated with the transactions taking place with respect to the platform. It accepts assets both from the buyer as well as seller end and provides the participants with the passkeys. The passkeys are extremely secure and ought not to be discussed with others. The transaction will be continued on both ends only if the passkeys are matched on both sides.

Why Choose Maticz’s LocalCryptos Clone Script?

Maticz, the leading Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company has thoroughly analyzed the market performance of various cryptos exchanges and arrived at the conclusion that LocalCryptos Clone Script is of high use to customers with highlight features like lightning-speed transactions, unlimited cryptos & tokens support, escrow-powered, ease of access and trusted in-built MultiSig wallet with military-grade security.

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Disclaimer: The term "LocalCryptos" is used to provide quick understanding to readers. Our services are not meant to brand or influence any entity.

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