Start Defi Exchange With Our Uniswap Clone Script

Take part in the Decentralized Financial revolution by building your own Decentralized Exchange like the Uniswap on the Ethereum Blockchain Network architecture. The Uniswap like exchange protocol is made available with customizable features contributing to the improved scalability of the platform scheduled to be developed.


White Label Uniswap Clone Script

Uniswap Clone Script to Create Decentralized Trading Protocol like Uniswap on Ethereum Blockchain contributing Trading and Automated Liquidity Provision on Ethereum and its base tokens.

Uniswap Clone Script is a decentralized finance (DeFi) exchange script built on Ethereum Blockchain enables to Start a decentralized platform for automated liquidity provision on Ethereum that operates similar to Uniswap. The Uniswap Clone Script supports both the swapping & liquidity provisions of Ethereum and its tokens.

Maticz’s Uniswap Clone Script is a 100% White Label Solution executes functionalities through two Smart Contracts protocols promoting cent percent market making along with efficient Swapping of the native tokens the ERC20.

Defi Expertise
Top-Notch Quality
Bug-Free Source Code
Faster Deployment

50 +


450 +

Projects Delivered

500 +

Total Projects


Public & Entirely Decentralized Automated Ecosystem

UniSwap Clone Script is a public and non-profit based entity executing quality service to Crypto aspirants. The Decentralized Architectures are often bound to offer quality Crypto service at an optimal pricing.


Stable Smart Contracts Compiled in Solidity and Vyper

The UniSwap Clone Script is readily designed and developed in the frameworks of Solidity and Vyper. Solidity and Vyper are standardized sets of solutions promoting the most valid and verified transactions.


Web3 Compliance

Web 3.0 are sought for features that include Semantic compliance, artificial intelligence operability,3D graphics, connectivity and ubiquitous support. These features define stability of the platform developed.


Factory and Exchange Contracts Provision

The UniSwap Clone Script is provided with dual Smart Contracts exhibiting different functionalities in different streams. The two types of Smart Contract provisions include Factory and Exchange Contracts.


Optimized Gas Prices

The UniSwap Clone Script is provided with provisions offering optimal pricings which contribute to the improved usability and scalability of the platform developed.


Enhanced Liquidity Pool Provisions

The UniSwap Clone Script has Liquidity pool provisions that has the prospect to improve the users revenue by availing the users with the considerable passive income to the direct participants.


Our blockchain developers at Maticz have developed an impeccable Uniswap clone script encompassing top-notch features that account for the defi platform's seamless functioning and quality.

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Uniswap Clone Create DeFi Exchange Like Uniswap

Maticz the delicate DeFi Development Company contributes to the ease of access to exclusive users of the Ethereum-based DEX Trading Protocols through Our Uniswap Clone. Uniswap Clone is a 100% replica of Uniswap developed on Ethereum Blockchain that supports both swapping and automated liquidity provision on Ethereum Tokens and replicates the core functionalities of Uniswap that enables you to Create defi exchange like Uniswap.

Create Uniswap Clone to obtain the leveraging benefits of the Uniswap Decentralized Exchange Platform offering guaranteed liquidity for users and Ethereum applications. Our white-label solution enables the user to seamlessly trade ERC20 tokens by connecting with their web3 wallets such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase wallet, etc. Create your defi exchange like uniswap and help your users earn by providing liquidity.

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Our uniswap clone is a certik smart contract auditing software solution with the finest smart contract implementations that uncover all the possible vulnerabilities and provide a safety shield to the platform.

56 Hour Code Review
Reaudits Upto Passive Outcome
Check for 100+ Vulnerabilities
Audit By Smart Contract Experts
Identifying Bugs & Recommendations
Audit On Ethereum, BSC Chain, Tron
Certik Audited Uniswap Clone

The UniSwap Clone Script delivers optimal exchange service to its end users through a set of seven applicable steps, which account for the long-run of the platform .

Go To Clone Script Interface

The first step is to reach out to the UniSwap Clone’s Interface. Head towards the Swap interface.

Wallet Connectivity

The second step is to connect with the wallet over which the Clone Script executes functionalities.

Possessed Token Selection

This step involves specifying the type of token the user possesses to take part in the Exchange.

Select Token To Be Exchanged

On Specifying the type of token possessed, the participant will have to specify the token which he wishes to swap with.

Preview The Transaction

This step is an authentication process allowing the users to monitor the exchange of assets in order to promote validity to transactions.

Confirm The Transaction

Confirming the transaction will let the participant to readily keep track of his assets immediately on process completion.

UniSwap V2 Router

The UniSwap Clone Script's V2 can enable the developers to add new Tokens. the V2 directly aids in improving the enhanced market requirements.

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Uniswap Clone Working Mechanism


The UniSwap Clone Script adds up to alarming benefits of the participants through certain highlight features that include,

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LP Rewards

UniSwap Clone Script is capable of generating a passive share of income to participants through trade-off fees. The Platform accepts funds from the users and makes them the LP Providers.


The assets taking part through the platform are often subject to offer Flexibility. The assets obtain flexibility through creating a new token pair by supplying an equal amount of ERC20 Token.

More Trading modes

Trading options in the UniSwap Clone Script are designed as per the algorithm that suits the fluctuating prices and needs of the current Crypto market. The options contribute to the enhanced earnings.

Improved Privacy

The Process taking place concerning the platform is operating with a prime aim to maintain privacy. privacy is maintained through the no KYC and registration free trade-off.

Null Resistance

Uniswap Clone Script cannot single-handedly tackle out accessibility granting and fund allocation. the entire Decentralization process allows the users to go beyond par in the trade-off limit.


The Entities associated with the platform are said to offer compliance with ERC 20 token standards through its ready integrations with APIs. The APIs allow the investors to utilize numerous trade-off strategies.

Uniswap Clone Software is a customizable software delivering delicate exchange and swap features almost similar to that of Uniswap. The Uniswap Clone software exhibits its core functionalities like the AMM, staking, and swapping over any of the blockchain networks like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Avalanche, Polygon, etc. The Uniswap clone solution is designed and developed in such a way that it is censorship resistance and guarantees high security and self-custody.

Maticz offers a White Label Uniswap Clone Software that allows customization of the user interface and functionalities of the Uniswap Clone platform contributing to effective swapping and market making of crypto tokens. With the upgrades in uniswap v3, our software is developed by focusing on concentrated liquidity, multiple fee tiers, and range orders thereby maximizing gains and reducing risks.

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Uniswap Clone Software
For Uniswap Clone Script

For Uniswap Clone Script

We Maticz the predominant DeFi Development company design and develop the replicated version of Delicate DEX the UniSwap with the desirable features that include Ethereum 2.0 Compliance, Trustless Token Swapping, Scalable Solution, Multi-currency support, Cent Percent reliability, and Ardent Developer Support.

We Maticz look to present the most anticipated Decentralized Exchange the UniSwap unadulterated to the highly optimized use of the Ethereum Blockchain users. Hire our expertise team of DeFi Developers and list your projects on the DApp radar.

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Uniswap Clone script is a readymade DeFi exchange script that operates similar to Uniswap exchange. Our Uniswap Clone Script is capable of functioning on various blockchain networks like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Polygon, Solana, etc. It also facilitates faster and efficient swapping of cryptos and tokens.

Maticz offers a feature-packed Uniswap Clone that comes out with the market-pulling features which mostly contribute to the ease of access along with the extremely secure degree of swapping & liquidity provision on cryptos and tokens. Our Uniswap Clone available on White Label mode which allows users to customize the Defi exchange platform based on their business requirements.

We at Maticz, develop the Uniswap Clone Software with the features that drive more traffic into the platform through its leveraging feature. The features bring about the sequential distribution of trade volume associated with the both ends of the transaction to take place.

Uniswap Clone Scripts execute the transactions in a smooth and speedy method to carry out the Swap & Liquidity to take place on various cryptos and tokens.

We Maticz through our quality set of developers on thorough analysis of the Crypto market, have developed the clone version of the Uniswap exchange to be of high use to the clients. Our Uniswap Clone Script is desired to develop more interest in the minds of the potential investors.

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