Eclipcity Global Clone Script to Start Smart Contract-Based Decentralized Financial System like Eclipcity Global supporting Insurance, Farming of TRX Tokens

Tron Smart Contracts usually have the add-on benefits of availing the quality of service that undergoes sequential updates as per the market performance and at a highly reduced gas fee, thus there exists a large number of Smart Contract-based investment firms that operate over the Tron Blockchain architecture.
If you are looking to build an investment platform that delivers the highlights of Tron Smart Contracts like Eclipcity Global, then Maticz surely is your ideal destination.

Eclipcity Global Clone

Eclipcity Global Clone is a 100% Decentralized community-run Financial System built with Tron Blockchain Smart Contracts that operates similarly to Eclipcity Global.
Our Eclipcity Global Clone comes up with an ardent Tron Smart contract that assures a cent percent valid and verified transfer of TRX for the optimal use of participants.

Eclipcity Global Overview

Eclipcity Global currently is the best-performing Crowdfunding and community support platform operating chiefly over the Tron Blockchain, accepting and providing funds exclusively through the TRX. 
The Eclipcity Global Smart Contracts are known to promote sustainability and growth to the participants readily taking part.

How to Start a Decentralized Financial System like Eclipcity?

The Eclipcity like a Decentralized Community funding platform can be developed in two different modes as desired by the participants,
The first mode is by building the Platform entirely replicating the Eclipcity Global Script which delivers the end-to-end services of Eclipcity Global like the Investment, Insurance as well as Yield Farming Services.
The Second mode involves building up the Platform as per the requirements of the participants seeking the availability of certain distinct services that are limited to their very own Tron Investment Platform. An efficient way to establish the Platform through the second mode is by building Eclipcity Global Clone Script.  

Eclipcity Global Clone Script

Eclipcity Global Clone Script is a Decentralized Financial System built on Tron Blockchain Smart Contract Technology similar to Our Eclipcity Global Clone Script is a Tron Smart Contract-Based multi-party funding and investment protocol operating mostly like the Eclipcity Global.
Eclipcity Clone Software is a replica of Eclipcity Global that delivers the core functionalities that include the Swapping and Exchange of Cryptocurrencies along with Yield Farming provisions over a unified portal.

Eclipcity Global Clone Script Features

The Eclipcity Global Clone has tons of features that remain on par excellence with the Eclipcity Global Platform that includes,
<< Participant Insurance Schemes
<<  UME farming provisions
<<  Multiple Rewards on Returns
<<  Entirely Decentralized process
<<  Peer-to-Peer investment schemes

Insurance Schemes in Eclipcity Global Clone

The Eclipcity Global Clone Platform is developed with attributes promoting Insurance provisions to the participants seeking the services of a Tron Investment Platform. 
Since Eclipcity Global is an enhanced version of the already existing Tron Investment Platform the Tron chain, the investors are thinking of migrating from an already existing platform into a brand new platform delivering the synonymous quality of service. 
The Prime aim of Eclipcity Global Clone is to drive the participants of Tronchain into it. 

Eclipcity Clone Platform Development

Eclipcity Global Clone Platform development involves the set of a streamlined process that counts for the building up of a Tron-based Investment Platform delivering the highlight features like the leveraged rewards on returns policy.
The Clone development process can be done in two different modes that include,
Building the Clone Script as per the user requirements.
Building the Platform from the base model.
The base model of our Eclipcity Global Clone Platform is the Tron Chain.


Tronchain is the world's first recognized Decentralized Community-operated Platform operating extensively over the Tron Blockchain Network architecture bound by Smart Contract Technology.

Eclipcity over Tronchain

Eclipcity Global is designed with an ideology to overcome the existing pitfalls occurring within the Tronchain Platform like Frozen energy, Timeout, infinite loop pitfalls, illegal operations and associated penalties, non-existent account transfers, and bounties associated with the Tronchain platforms. Thus the Eclipcity is an enhanced version of the existing Tronchain.

Eclipcity Upcoming Projects on Tron

Several projects are scheduled to be launched within the upcoming year.
 - Global FinTech
 Online Games
 Eclipcity DeFi
 Eclipcity Technology
 Eclipcity Wallets
 Eclipcity Academy
 Eclipcity Market
 Eclipcity Trading

How does the Eclipcity Clone Platform work?

Eclipcity Global works on 4 base processes which is a cyclic process,
 Wallet integration
 Deposit TRX
 Smart Contract Code Activation
 Rewards on Returns
Wallet Integration
The first and foremost step in building a Tron-based investment platform is wallet integration, the wallet must be made to comply with any one of the recognized Tron-based wallets. The wallets include the Trust wallet which offers compatibility with Android and iOS, IMToken wallets also offer compatibility with iOS while the Metamask wallet is operable with PC and available as an extension.
Deposit TRX
On successful integration with any of the wallets, the next but highly essential step is the deposition of the TRX. The deposition of the TRX readily activates the Smart Contract codes associated with the Eclipcity Global Clone Script.
Smart Contract Code Activation
On accepting the TRX the Smart Contracts begin to exhibit the core functionalities that include validation and monitoring the process based on certain algorithms and strategies.

Features of Eclipcity Clone Smart Contract

The Eclipcity Global Clone’s Smart Contract is designed to provide Sustainability and growth as its key objective. Despite its Stability, the Eclipcity is provided with plenty of other features that promote its long-run include,
 - Immutable Design
 - Fairness in operation
 - Tamper Proof
 - Transparency
 - Cannot be Controlled
 - Definite Design
 - Pre-Defined architecture
 - Termination-free buildup
 - Rewards on Returns
The Smart Contracts now designate certain codes based on the specifications to deliver the Investment schemes to the optimal use of the participants.

Eclipcity Clone Script TRX Distribution

The Eclipcity Global Clone Script works by accepting TRX from its participants, the total TRX distribution is grouped into six different categories.
5% of the total TRX is given to the Platform as the Platform fee.
10% of the total TRX is constituted by the Direct Commission
82% of the TRX is redirected to the upcoming returns and matching policies.
1%  of the upcoming is given to the top performers of the platform to promote business.
1% TRX is given to the Global Insurance
1% TRX is given to the Tron chain insurance
Reward Modes
The rewards can be obtained in 4 ways that include,
1% of the total deposited TRX daily for 310 days.
10% of Total TRX deposited by the direct downlines.
A considerable amount of returns through matching commission
A considerable amount of returns through top performers. 
Matching Commission Rewards Distribution 
There are 12 levels through which the participants can prove their presence within the Tron-based investment Platform, each having a minimal and maximal range of TRX as a benchmark criterion to carry out funding and also obliged to acquire a certain definite percentage of returns as well as the number of direct downlinks.
<< Level 1
Level 1 comes with a range supporting between 500TRX to 20,000TRX, 3 direct, and 30 % total yield.
<< Level 2
Level 2 comes with a range supporting between 20,000TRX to 1,00,000TRX,5Directs underlying, and 10% total yield.
<< Level 3
Level 3  ranges between 1,00,000TRX and 2,50,000TRX, 7 direct underlying and 10% of total yield.
<< Level 4
Level 4 ranges between 2,50,000TRX and 5,00,000TRX, 9 direct underlying and 8% of total yield.
<< Level 5 
Level 5 ranges from 5,00,000TRX and 1 million TRX,11 underlying assets, and 8% of total yield.
<< Level 6
Level 6 has a base range of 1 million TRX and an ending range of 2 million TRX, 13 underlying directs, and 6% of the total yield. 
<< Level 7
Level 7 has a base range of 2 million TRX and an ending range of 4 million TRX, 15 underlying directives, and 6% of the total yield.
<< Level 8
Level 8 has a base range of 4 million TRX and an ending range of 10 million TRX, 17 underlying directs, and 4% of the total yield.
<< Level 9
Level 9 comes with a lower limit of 10 million TRX and an upper limit of 25 million TRX, 19 underlying direct, and 4% of total yield.
<< Level 10-12
Level 10-12 comes with a lower limit of 25 million TRX and proceeds further on, with 25 direct and an income of 2% of the total yield.
Top 10 Sponsors Pool TRX Distribution
Of the total TRX distributed to the top performers pool only 10% is made available to the top sponsors of the pool while the remaining 90% is redirected to the next day’s pool.
The top performer receives 25% as a reward, the second-best performer receives 15% as a reward, the third ranker gains 10% as a reward, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th rankers will be able to generate a  reward of 8% and the remaining rank holders will be able to generate a reward of 6%.  

Eclipcity Global Clone Script Emergency Features 

<< Under unfortunate circumstances, the TRX added to the Pools ought to face a downward trend in the market, under such circumstances, the output of the pool will be more than the input.
<< These unfortunate circumstances can be rightly overcome by Eclipcity Global Clone Script’s Emergency Features.

Smart Contract’s Emergency Features 

<< When the Performance of the pool is reduced by a meager percentage of 10% then the Smart Contracts will reduce the income by 50%.
<< On further reduction in performance of the pool ranging from 20%, there will be a considerable deactivation in the number of levels associated with the Platform, 6 levels will be deactivated initially.
<< Further lowered performance of the pool will lead to further lowered or deactivating some levels which probably will allow only 2 levels to remain active then.
<< The daily returns of 1% TRX will be reduced to 0.1% TRX until the performance gets better, and betterment in performance is witnessed while the all-time high is breached. Under such circumstances, there will be an increase in level as well as a considerable rise in TRX  by 10%.

Why choose Maticz for Eclipcity Global Clone Script?

We Maticz the premium DeFi Development Company have a thorough analysis of the Crypto-based Investment Smart Contracts and find the Tron Smart Contract-based platform to be of high use to the participants seeking Crypto Investment.
We Maticz deliver the Eclipcity Global Clone Script with User suggested UI designs optimized Server Maintenance, advanced security architecture, and an all-time responsive admin panel offering 24X7 client support along with post-delivery product assistance to the fullest satisfaction of the participants seeking Investment Schemes over the Tron Blockchain Network Architecture. 

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Disclaimer: The term "Eclipcity Global" is used to provide quick understanding to readers. Our services are not meant to brand or influence any entity.

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