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Maticz is the leading EMR and EHR software development company that helps healthcare providers improve interoperability, and doctor-patient communication, streamline clinical workflows, and maximize productivity among healthcare organizations for better patient care and business growth.

EHR and EMR Software Development Company

Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are the most important tools for any healthcare provider. To streamline workflows, enhance patient care coordination, and improve doctor-patient communication. But most of the time, pre-built EHR and EMR don’t meet the specific requirements and lack customization, this is where custom EHR and EMR software development companies like Maticz come into play.

Maticz understands the healthcare providers' challenges and develops user-friendly, feature-rich EHR/EMR systems tailored to their unique requirements. These custom EHR/EMR software development solutions can enhance healthcare interoperability, eliminate manual data entry and data error, and ensure seamless data exchange. To improve the doctor-patient communication channels.

Maticz-built EHR/EMR systems empower healthcare providers to dedicate more time to patient care. Partner with an experienced EHR/EMR solution provider like Maticz to unlock the full potential of the healthcare digital transformation, maximizing productivity and achieving business growth while delivering exceptional patient care.

EHR Software Development

Being the leading player in healthcare software development, Maticz provides the best custom EHR system based on your specific healthcare requirements. our experts are highly qualified in developing the interoperable Artirtifical intelligence (AI) EMR software, with our advanced EHR software you can get a comprehensive view of a patient's health history, encompassing medical encounters, diagnoses, medications, allergies, and immunizations.

Our custom EMR software doesn’t stop there, with the help of our EMR software you can effectively record data tracking, and lab reports of the patients, streamline the communication between the medical professional and patients, and so much more in the healthcare field. We implement the following advanced modules and features within your custom EMR system.

- Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

- HL7 Integration

- Clinical Decision Support

- Integration With Labs

EMR Software Development

Maticz offers healthcare providers with custom Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software solutions that are particularly designed to streamline workflows, enhance patient care, and boost practice efficiency. Our experts understand that every healthcare provider's needs are unique based on specific healthcare specialties (e.g., cardiology, dentistry), which is why we believe in the collaborative approach to developing the EMR system.

After understanding your requirements, our expert team will work closely with you and develop a user-friendly EMR system that perfectly integrates with your existing workflows. Our custom EMR software development services will help you to enhance patient care, improve efficiency, reduce error, and increase revenue, with our EHR software healthcare professionals can access the following patient information.

- E-prescribing and Medication Management

- Patient Billing Information

- Patient Management

- Results Tracking

Benefits of Custom EHR and EMR Software Development

Here is the list of benefits that give you a better understanding of the importance of using custom EHR and EMR software in the healthcare field.

Benefits of EHR/EMR Software for Healthcare Providers

Data Security

EHR/EMR system will provide a high-security level for sensitive information, and regulatory compliance is achieved with the help of HIPAA compliance.

Reduced Paperwork

In EHR/EMR software, electronic records eliminate the need for paperwork and also reduce manual errors, which will save time and storage space and improve healthcare delivery.

Improved Care Quality

EHR/EMR systems will streamline the workflow and reduce administrative tasks, which will free up more time for providers to spend with patients.

Reduce Medication Errors

EHR/EMR systems will integrate with the medication databases and alert providers to potential drug shortages to help make them aware of the drug supply.

Better Decision Making

EHR/EMR will help you access the complete patient history, allowing for quicker and more informed diagnoses and treatment decisions for the patients.

Benefits of EHR/EMR System for Patients

Easy Appointment

With the help of EHR/EMR software, the patient can efficiently book their appointment with the doctors based on their preferences.

Reminders and Notifications

The patients can receive reminders and notifications about their appointments they have and also about medical billing.

Access Test Results

EHR/EMR software allows you to access your test results through the integrated lab system, which allows you to stay updated about your conditions.

Monitor Patient's Medical Condition

With an AI-based Health Monitoring System, you can monitor your medical conditions and receive health-related education articles that will help you treat an illness or prevent it.

Must-Have Feature in your EHR System

A well-designed EHR system is the backbone of efficient and patient-centered care. It empowers healthcare providers to deliver informed decisions while streamlining workflows. To achieve this, here are some essential features that contribute to a robust EHR system,

Patient Demographics and Medical History Management

It's important to securely store and manage the patient's demographics, allergies, immunizations, medications, past procedures, and diagnoses. To get a better understanding of the patients to provide a quick treatment.

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

Integration of Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) into electronic health record (EHR) software will improve the quality of patient care, and outcomes and reduce errors. Which will help healthcare professionals make better decisions by providing the current Info.

E-prescribing and Medication Management

Providing E-prescriptions is one of the essential features of the EHR/EMR system, which enables the electronic prescribing of medications directly from the pharmacies, streamlining workflows and reducing medication errors. Track medication intake and identify potential interactions.

Order Management and Results Tracking

Result tracking and order management is one of the must-have features that enable you to manage lab records, imaging, and other diagnostic test orders electronically, which helps you track results seamlessly within the EHR software, improving communication and care coordination.

Secure Patient Portal

EHR software should prioritize security because it holds the patient's sensitive information, so ensure that EHR software provides a secure online portal to access their health information, view lab results, schedule appointments, and communicate with providers.

Reporting and Analytics Tools

Providing the visual charts and analytical tools to the health care provider will give them a clear understanding of their current state and help them to track clinical quality measures, identify trends, and improve population health management.

Integration with the Labs

Ensuring seamless data exchanges is essential, which eliminates manual data errors. That is why integrating your EMR/EHR systems with laboratory and other healthcare information systems is necessary.

Billing and Financial Database 

This is where the profitability, productivity, and efficiency of the hospital can be valued based on this billing record. this will help the financial department to monitor historical revenue, department-specific billing, costs, and potential improvement areas.

EHR/EMR Software Development Services

Our EHR and EMR software developers will help the healthcare organization choose the type of system, outline their custom scope, implement the solution that aligns with their healthcare needs, and ensure EHR/EMR security and interoperability.

EHR Consulting

Our expert team helps healthcare providers choose between the EHR and EMR software, which helps you decide on the functionality that aligns with your requirements and helps you with healthcare system development, integration, migration processes, and implementation. We can also conduct an audit of the existing EHR and EMR systems and help you add some new features to your existing system.

Custom EHR/EMR Development

Our custom EHR software development allows healthcare providers to implement the specific functionality and UI/UX design relevant to their healthcare practices and ensure your software is scalable and user-friendly. Our development team will work within your budget to deliver the EHR and EMR systems that benefit the organization.

EHR/EHR Integration Services with Existing Healthcare Systems

We facilitate the smooth and secure data flow between your electronic health record systems and the already existing systems within your organization. Our expert developer team will help you with an effective integration approach.

EHR/EMR Implementation

Our team provides comprehensive implementation support, including data migration, user training, and system configuration to ensure a smooth transition to your new EHR/EMR system or the new feature of your existing system.

EMR and EHR Mobile App Development

Maticz is a well-known mobile app development company, that helps you build a custom EMR/ER mobile app as per your healthcare requirements. And we make sure that your healthcare app is secure and scalable for patients and doctors and allows them to exchange healthcare information effectively.

EHR System Certification

Our team will make sure that your EHR software is ONC-ATCB certified so the healthcare providers don't need to worry about the legal standards, our expert team will take care of that, which also provides confidence to the user that their data is safe. We use SSL and TLS encryption to protect the patient's data.

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

We are your partners, our job doesn’t end when the project is launched, we provide ongoing support and maintenance for your EHR/EMR software to make sure that your software runs smoothly without any bugs or errors.

Custom EHR and EMR Software Development Solutions

At Maticz, we understand every healthcare provider has their requirements, so we don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all approach. That's why we offer a comprehensive suite of custom EHR and EMR software development solutions that are designed specifically to meet your unique requirements and optimize your workflows. Here's how we can help

Custom Healthcare Solutions

At Maticz, we develop custom healthcare solutions for specific needs, which allow doctors and patients to schedule/manage appointments, enable better communication channels between patients and doctors, enhance medical staff efficiency, reduce overall expenses, and improve healthcare quality.

Cloud-based EHR/EMR Systems

We are also capable of designing and deploying a secure cloud-based EHR/EMR solution that aligns perfectly with your infrastructure and your unique needs. With the help of cloud-based EHR/EMR systems, you can achieve scalability, security, and accessibility solutions.

Analytics Tools

Our advanced healthcare analytics tool will incorporate the precision and predictive medical analytical tool, implemented with advanced technologies like Machine Learning and AI, that will provide you with the best prediction based on the data processed and help you make informed decisions.

ICD-10 Codes

We implement ICD-10 codes within your EMR/EHR system that will help physicians and nurses facilitate clinical decision-making by providing insights into a patient's medical history, conditions, and treatments.

Telemedicine App Development

Maticz is known for its custom telemedicine app development, we specialize in crafting the telemedicine app that synchronizes health tracking, streamlines virtual consultations and remote patient care with seamless telehealth integration, and supports with the help of cloud-based data collection.

Interactive Patient Portals

We build an EHR/EMR system that enhances patient engagement and communication in their patient portal. We are experts in developing the portals that allow the users to access their health records, and appointment schedules, and communicate with healthcare providers directly.

Compliant EHR Systems

We will make sure that your EHR/EMR system adheres to all relevant healthcare compliance standards like HIPAA, FHIR, HL7, and GDPR. By parenting with Maticz you can navigate the regulatory landscape with confidence.

Healthcare Compliances and Standards

At Maticz, we always understand the importance of regulatory compliance and data security. Our expert healthcare application developers will ensure that your healthcare platform is industry legislation.

Developing a compliant EHR/EMR system requires adherence to a set of healthcare regulations and standards. These guidelines ensure data privacy, security, and interoperability within the healthcare ecosystem. Here's an overview of some key standards your EHR/EMR system should meet with,







Tech Stack to Develop an EHR and EMR System

The technology stack used to build your EHR/EMR system depends on various factors like scalability, security, and desired functionalities. So based on your desire needs choose the tech stack wisely. However, here are some of the common technologies that Maticz used in building the EHR/EMR software,

Programming Languages

Java, python, Swift, Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP

Frameworks and Libraries

Angular, jQuery, Django, Node.js


MYSQL, Postgres SQL


Amazon EMR, Google Analytics

Cloud Platform

Azure, AWS(Amazon Web Services)

Payment Gateway


Our EHR/EMR Software Development Process

At Maticz, we understand the importance of a well-defined development process for building a successful EHR/EMR system. The EHR/EMR software development will take a significant team effort, and the following six steps to launch your system, which include the discovery stage, project planning, UX and UI design, development and testing, and pre-launch and post-launch activities.

Discover Requirements

The first step involves a thorough assessment of the EHR market, target audience, and competitors research. We work closely with you to understand your specific business needs and clinical workflows, patient demographics, and desired functionalities. 

We make sure that your system follows compliances like HIPAA, FDA, etc, This collaborative approach ensures the final EHR/EMR system perfectly aligns with your unique requirements.

EHR/EMR Project Planning

Once your requirements are established, our experienced project management team will create a detailed roadmap for your EHR/EMR development. This includes defining timelines, milestones, resource allocation, budget considerations, feature lists, and software requirements. 

Clear planning ensures a smooth custom software development process and avoids potential roadblocks while developing your custom EHR/EMR system.

UI/UX Design

We believe in user-centric design to provide a better user experience. Our expert UI/UX team will create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for both healthcare providers and patients. This ensures efficient data entry, streamlined workflows, and a positive user experience for everyone involved.

Iterative Development and Testing

After completing your UI/UX now it's time to start developing your EHR/EMR software. We employ an agile development methodology, breaking down the project into smaller, manageable modules. This allows for continuous development, testing, and feedback loops. 

We do value our client's requirements and our clients will be actively involved in the process, providing valuable input that shapes the final product.

Pre Launch

Before launching your official EHR/EMR system, our expert team will conduct rigorous testing to make sure that your EHR/EMR system functions flawlessly. So we pre-launch your EHR system to the user and get their feedback to improve your platform. 

EHR/EMR Launch, Support, and Maintenance

Our relationship with you doesn’t end after launching your platform. Our expert team will provide ongoing support and maintenance for your software to address any emerging issues and ensure your EHR/EMR system remains secure and up-to-date for long-term success.

Hire Expert EHR and EMR Software Developers

Developing robust and secure EHR/EMR software requires strong experience in healthcare data security. Partner with Maticz, an experienced software development company, that has delivered more than 50+ healthcare software-related projects for clients worldwide, to streamline their healthcare process and ensure their EHR/EMR vision becomes a reality.

Hire Maticz, the expert EHR and EMR software development company with a proven track record, deep compliance knowledge (HIPAA, FHIR, etc.), a modern tech stack, and strong project management. By choosing Maticz as your technical partner, you can reduce the development time and costs, and you can also expect customizable solutions and ongoing support for your EHR and EMR software.

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