E-publishing Company

Collaborate with Maticz, the best E-publishing company, to come up with fresh concepts for your publications. Our experts take care of it to your highest expectation using cutting-edge tactics while you focus on your core business.

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What is E-publishing

E-publishing is the process of publishing digital publications such as books, magazines, and periodicals directly to the web. It is a way of getting your work out into the world without the traditional means of paper publishing. It has grown in popularity due to its convenience and cost-effectiveness.

E-publishing has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for people. One can use it to market their work more effectively and reach a much wider audience. It allows them to have complete control over the format, pricing, and distribution of their work. Authors can reach readers all over the world instead of just their local area by publishing their work digitally.

Ebooks have a Wider Reach
Go green with E-publishing
Ebooks are Editable
Cost-effective Publishing

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450 +

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With the rise of advanced technologies, more and more writers prefer to publish their scripts online rather than using the traditional method of submitting them to a publisher. E-publishing companies provide numerous options to publish their work rapidly and conveniently without ever leaving the comfort of their own home.

E-publishing services offer users a wide range of options to pick from, including digital book formatting, book cover design, and marketing services. They aid the users in the publication process by providing them with a variety of tools and resources. Utilizing an e-publishing service has many benefits, one of which is that authors can keep a larger portion of the money.

E-publishing services provided by Maticz benefit businesses by enhancing content and fostering digital transformation. Our team of professionals has a wealth of experience when it comes to customizing e-publishing services to meet your specific requirements. We are skilled at providing interactive content that is precisely in line with our client's needs.

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Ebook publishing Company


Some of the E-publishing Services that make you consider us to enhance your business through E-publishing are as follows.

  • Ebook Conversion
  • Graphics Design
  • Data Conversion
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Indexing
  • Copy-editing

Ebook Conversion

Ebook Conversion enhances the reading experience since digital versions are simpler to use and navigate. We use software that makes sure that the formatting and text integrity are maintained so that the digital version looks exactly like the perfect replica of the original.

Graphics Design

Graphics design can improve the content of the publication by making it more aesthetically pleasing and appealing to readers. Our graphic design services include typography in addition to the use of warm and cool colours, which helps the text stand out specifically.

Data Conversion

Data Conversion makes the content accessible and searchable on various devices. As part of data conversion in e-publishing, a text-based document is scanned, a pdf is converted into a reflowable format for e-readers, or a print layout is reproduced for digital display.


Typesetting aids in arranging text and images on a page by outlining the standards for how text and images should be laid out and formatted. It provides the content with a consistent look and feels, regardless of the device it is viewed.


Proofreading services ensure that the text flows smoothly and is written engagingly. They are needed at the point in the publication process where following copyediting but before the development of a print-ready PDF, little errors need to be found and fixed on the proofs.


Indexing helps in making a document easier to navigate along with helping for search engine optimization. It involves creating a table of contents and adding links to external sources. By properly organizing indexes, it is possible to increase the visibility of your content.


Copy editing involves ensuring that the text is clear, concise, and in line with the publisher’s guidelines. By following the correct style and formatting guidelines, the content is checked thoroughly for typos and grammatical errors.

Packaging Design

Designing packaging for e-publishing requires taking into account the audience, the type, overlook and feel of the product. Unquestionably, strategic packaging design services can be what propels your branding. We provide professional, eye-catching, aesthetically captivating, and unique designs for your business using Packaging Reprographics.

Object Removal

Object removal is the process of getting rid of any items, pictures, or words that aren't necessary for the text to make its intended meaning. It helps e-books and other digital documents have a neat and professional look. It is possible to increase the text's visibility to readers by optimizing it for search engines.

Masking And Clipping

To produce polished and aesthetically pleasing books, e-publishing professionals use the masking and clipping processes. By removing specific portions of an image to produce a distinctive form or pattern, masking is used to produce more fascinating graphics. By applying clipping techniques, it is possible to enhance the composition of the image and focus the viewer's attention on a certain area of the publication.


Users can vectorize their publications to produce digital copies that are simpler to access and distribute. Using this method, text and artwork can be transformed into vector graphics that are better suited for use on digital devices.

XML And HTML Conversion

The two languages XML and HTML form the basis for most e-publishing workflows. By converting numerous input formats to XML like HTML, MS Word, PDF, and any storage media, readers can access their documents on different devices and platforms.

OCR And Image Scanning

Using OCR and Image Scanning techniques, it is now possible to fix text issues and compare and spell-check documents. They make sure that the text and images are accurately converted into digital versions like Word, PDF, and others so that they can be included in the e-publishing.

HTML5 Conversion

To make publications accessible on different platforms, HTML5 is a one-stop solution. HTML5 is regarded as a cross-platform technology since it works on all browsers and devices like smartphones and tablets. With its support for multimedia forms like audio, video, and interactive information, it offers consumers a comprehensive browsing experience. Making interactive graphics and illustration capabilities is also achievable with HTML5 conversion services.


Digital publishing Solutions

Industry’s Best

E Publisher

E publisher is the one who creates digital versions such as e-books, and magazines. As the name implies publishing the content electronically they publish only digital format books. By reaching an epublisher you can convert your hardcopy or any digital format to .EPUB format and which can make it much more interactive, shareable. Thus the files are built on . EPUB format makes the digital files cent percent adaptive to the size while it is accessed. This makes the digital publications seekers to reach e-publisher.

By enquiring about the needs, the content, and the audience, As an E publisher, Maticz provides you a sample of the structure it is going to be. In addition, we provide various formats of our previous publications. As we are expertized in this field we can predict the timings, and whatever ways to reduce the cost for development. This makes us the best epublishers and likely to choose us apart from others. Get your sample softcopy by reaching us now.

As e-publishing is an easy way to convey content efficiently it's never been easy to become an e-publisher. Through their experience in the field of publishing, an e-publisher plays an author role in the digital format. Apart from digitalizing the content they make the content highly navigable, and interactive. Obviously, in this era, the demand for digital content has been kept increasing. To be notified uniquely in the digital publishing industry, handling the process of digitizing content to an e-publisher will make sure to be an enhanced one.

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With the advent of E-publishing, the publishing industry has undergone a digital transformation. It makes it possible for users to create and share digital content fast and efficiently, expanding the audience for such content. By updating content more frequently and more cost-effectively, E-publishing remains a perfect platform for businesses and authors who wish to reach a larger audience.

It opens up the possibility of creating interactive content, allowing readers to interact with the content in meaningful ways. There are many ways to make money using digital content such as subscriptions, pay-per-view and even advertising. This remains a boosting power for the authors to continue writing and creating content that attracts readers. It makes it easy for anybody to make content and interact with it in new and fascinating ways.

Global Distribution
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Highlights on

Why do you need E-Publishing


E-publishing is becoming increasingly popular as it offers numerous advantages over traditional publishing methods. It is cost-effective, globally accessible, fast, and environmentally friendly. Some of the benefits listed below make our E-publishing services unique.

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Wide reach

With E-publishing, content is available to anyone with an internet connection. It allows publishers to reach audiences that may not be available through traditional means.


Since the content is digital, there are no printing costs. Distribution costs are also lower since the content can be sent to subscribers electronically. This can be especially beneficial for publishers who are looking to save money.


E-publishing offers several scalability benefits such as the ability to quickly and efficiently distribute content to a wide audience. It eliminates the need to print and ship physical copies of books and other publications, which can be costly and time-consuming.

On-time delivery

It allows authors to get their work out to the public much faster, giving them the potential to reach a much wider audience. Authors get the opportunity to update and revise their work quickly and easily, allowing them to keep their readers up-to-date with the latest information.

Top E-Publishing Company

Top E-Publishing Company

We at Maticz can convert technical documents, magazines, journals, directories, and newsletters to serve the needs of various e-publishing platforms. Our experts who have hands-on experience in social media outlets and cloud-based channels, provide a high volume of output using cutting-edge technologies. We work on various E-platforms of distribution like E-readers, kindles or blogs, etc.

We offer rapid and long-lasting solutions to the digital needs of publishers, authors, university presses, and large scale publishing service providers throughout the world with a major focus on quality and timely service delivery. We work closely with clients to completely understand their needs in order to meet and surpass their expectations. Get in touch with Us to learn more about how to enhance your business using E-publishing.

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