Ethereum Token Development Company

Your technology partner for enabling innovation and rapid development in your crypto business. We are an Ethereum token development agency building custom Ethereum tokens for startups, DAOs, DApps, enterprises, etc.

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Ethereum Token Development

Ethereum token development is a process of creating custom Ethereum tokens on any of the Ethereum token standards like ERC 20, ERC 223, ERC 721, ERC 777, ERC 827, ERC 998, ERC 1155, and ERC 1400. Every Ethereum token standard has its nature and characteristics that account for the usability and functionality of the token. Based on the token applications, Our Ethereum token developers choose any of the ethereum token standards. Our Ethereum token creation services find use in several blockchain applications like ICO, IDO, DAOs, Launchpads, DApps, Centralized Exchange, DEX, DeFi platforms, and so on.

Maticz is the leading Ethereum Token Development Company that excels in providing Ethereum Token Development Services on various Ethereum Standards such as ERC20, ERC 721, ERC 1155, ERC 777, ERC 223, ERC 827, ERC 998, and ERC1400 for your ever-evolving crypto business needs. Harnessing years of expertise and experience in developing and deploying Ethereum tokens, we will help entrepreneurs to launch Ethereum tokens to the highest level of security with a lot of business benefits.

Certified Token Developers
Round Clock Availability
Agile Development Specialist
Optimal Security Standard

50 +


450 +

Projects Delivered

500 +

Total Projects

Token Development

Our developers work on the creation of top-class fungible tokens or non-fungible tokens over any ERC token standard that will be much suited for your project.

Token Migration

Migrate your developed token from the betanet to the mainnet of any blockchain network and improve your token standard and accessibility to every crypto user.

Token Listing

Get your tokens listed in the crypto exchanges with the help of our techies which lets the users trade your token and improve token value in the digital space

Token Cold Storage

Our professionals help in improving your token security with our robust cold storage mechanism that makes your token stand out from any security threats.

Token Wallet Development

Get a customized wallet developed concerning the project requirement that has access to hold and manage any standards of your Ethereum tokens.

ICO Development

Our experts help you in distributing the token among the active investors in the crypto industry to raise funds for the development of your future crypto projects.

The Front-runner Of

Take Part In Ethereum Token Development Services And Its Benefits By Getting Onboarded With The Experienced Ethereum Token Development Company-The Maticz.

  • Token Development
  • Token Migration
  • Token Listing
  • Token Cold Storage
  • Token Wallet Development
  • ICO Development


Our Ethereum token developers are pioneers in developing Ethereum tokens on various ERC standards like ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155, etc. ERC standard selection varies based on the client's business requirements.

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ERC-20 Token Development

ERC-20 tokens are developed using ERC-20 standards to create and issue smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. These tokens constitute a single entity and can be interchanged with another token. These tokens are fungible and best suited for ICOs and crowdfunding ventures.

ERC-721 Token Development

ERC 721 is the first token standard developed to support Non-fungible digital assets. It is a set of open protocols that guides the development of non-fungible tokens on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. ERC 721 tokens are not divisible and symbolize a collection of digital assets.

ERC-777 Token Development

ERC 777 tokens are created using ERC 777 token standard to overcome the limitations of the ERC-20 standard. It enables the execution of various functions in a smart contract within a single transaction, thus reducing overall transaction fees and network load. It is a fungible token standard and customized based on the requirements.

ERC-1155 Token Development

ERC 1155 is the only token standard that enables you to create any digital asset from gaming items to real estate. ERC-1155 became the official token of Ethereum following its launch. It is the widely used token standard in the Ethereum ecosystem which facilitates batch transfer, and atomic swaps that save gas fees by 90%.

ERC-223 Token Development

ERC 223 token addresses the drawbacks such as lack of event handling mechanism, inefficient address-to-contract communication, token losses, and increased gas fees of the ERC-20 standard. All the ERC-20-enabled services or contracts will work comfortably with the ERC-223 token.

ERC-827 Token Development

ERC 827 is an augmentation of the ERC-20 token, which can seamlessly execute more complex functions involved in token transfer and approvals. In addition to allowing users to send currencies, this token enables them to send data across the distributed ledger. It is also used to authorize third parties to spend tokens.

ERC-865 Token Development

ERC 865 is an extension of the ERC-20 token that enables token holders to use tokens to pay for transfers instead of gas. ERC 865 token standard is best suited for dApps, thus helping Ethereum dApps users to transact without any gas fees. It aims to make things simpler for cryptocurrency buyers and beginners.

ERC-1400 Token Development

ERC 1400 tokens, known as security tokens, are developed using the ERC 1400 token standard, created to improve the protocols of the security tokens built on the Ethereum network. ERC 1400 token standard bridges the gap between crypto and fiat securities and can be used to create security tokens.

ERC20 Token Development Services

Our Exclusive

ERC20 token development is a process of creating Ethereum tokens on the ERC20 standard. In other words, ERC20 token development is a step-by-step process of development, testing, and deployment of ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain network. By following best practices, Maticz develops highly scalable, efficient, and secured Ethereum tokens that ensure reduced gas fee consumption with improved usability.

Maticz is a preeminent ERC20 token development company that offers best-in-class ERC 20 token development services with pre-vetted token developers. Our expertise in the Ethereum blockchain network enables us to develop highly scalable ERC-20 tokens with improved usability and interoperability with any blockchain product. Maticz’s exclusive ERC20 token developers are recognized for providing top-rated ERC-20 token development services for businesses, startups, enterprises, etc.

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The ERC20 Tokens Are Defined For The Long-Run Through The Set Of Certain Benchmark Features Which Proves Its Demand In The Current Cryptosphere.

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Atomic Swapping & Mutation

The Atomic Swapping permits the tokens to undergo mutation. The mutation refers to the process of allowing the token to be transferred from one form to another.


Chain Compatibility

The Tokens developed on the basis of ERC2o standards are bound to offer compatibility with the currencies or Tokens from other available chains in trends.


Rewards Return on Investment

The ERC20 Token Standards owing to its enormous usage in the market contributes to the effective trade-off base assets along with enhanced rewards on returns.


Token Rapid Listing

The Quality of any Token is defined through its ability to be listed on the recognized Cryptocurrency exchanges. The Tokens developed on the basis of ERC20 undergo rapid listing.


Standardized Design Architecture

The ERC20 Tokens are designed with standardized design architecture clearing out the need for external protocols to assure security to transactions from venturing hack attacks.


Rigid Smart Contracts

The Long run of any Crypto Token is defined through the standard design of the Smart Contracts. The ERC20 Smart Contracts come up with the provisions Showcasing rigidity.


Rapid Burn-off Mechanism

The Scalability of the Token is defined through its ability to get burned off in sequential intervals of time. The ERC20 Tokens undergo a very fast burn-off process.


Chain Bridging & Interoperability

The ERC20 Tokens can pose as reference models for products or Token design and developed over the other available chains for the optimal use of participants from other chains.


Asset Interchangeable

ERC20 is a token standard that is used to create and issue smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a technical standard that allows fungible tokens to be used interchangeably with other tokens. ERC-20 enables the exchange of various smart-contract-enabled tokens.

The Ethereum token development process entails subsequent steps to create Ethereum standard crypto tokens that are operational level. Design and development of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, providing you with the end product you have to start your crypto business quickly.

Scope Or Requirement Finalization

Scope finalization to ensure token requirements and need that you’re planning to create and offer to your customers.

Evaluating Tokenomics

Our blockchain experts evaluate the client’s tokenomics business potential to make it work and to offer the client long-lasting business benefits.

Token Standard Selection

It is the most crucial core factor in token creation, here the token developers choose the ERC standard to develop your token suiting your business requirements.

Token Functions Development

Token functions are the most essential, our ethereum token developers give more importance to creating token functions like minting, allowance, balance-of, burning, etc.

Token Testing

Our certified testing professionals optimize and test your tokens with several test cases to make the Ethereum token more efficient and profitable in the market.

Token Deployment

The final step in Ethereum token creation is token deployment. Our developers deploy the token contracts on Ethereum Mainnet and the deployed token will be ready for use.


Ethereum Token Development Process

As a top-notch Ethereum Token Creation Service Provider, we have expertise in building Ethereum Tokens on all ERC Standards. Our dedicated Ethereum Developers have worked on various Ethereum projects and have deep knowledge in Ethereum Standards that makes Ethereum Token Creation service a long-lasting value to our Clients. We implement a great strategy to create ERC20 Token on Ethereum Blockchain that generates great business success and ROI

We look forward to understanding your requirements thoroughly and offer Throughput leveraging products remaining on par excellence with the market requirements and already existing Crypto products.Never miss out a second looking for a quality set of developers, When Maticz is already there. Avail Crypto Token Development on your Preferred chains with Maticz’s passionate developers.

Business Centric Approch
Ardent Support
Standard Contracts
Agile Methodology
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Ethereum Token Creation Service
Top Ethereum Token Development Company

Top Ethereum Token Development Company

We Maticz the outstanding Ethereum Token development Company design and develop the tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain for the improved use case of the specific audiences of the Ethereum Blockchain Network Architecture. Here is a list of key desirables that makes us the most sought for Ethereum Token Development.

Ardent Support
Timed Delivery
User Assistance
Standard Contracts
Cost Efficient
Best in Market
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