Maticz is the best OTC crypto exchange development company that offers OTC trading platform development services with top OTC crypto exchange developers.

What is Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading?

Over-the-counter (OTC) trading is one of the trading mechanisms where the participants such as individuals, institutions, and investors trade digital assets directly with the parties without the involvement of any centralized authorities. Unlike conventional exchanges, OTC trading is highly customized and has a high degree of privacy which minimizes the regulatory hurdle. OTC trading happens wholly in a decentralized market where the dealers and brokers act as the intermediaries and they reduce the risk of counterparty. 

As the prices are negotiated between the seller and buyer in OTC trading, it facilitates large-volume trades with stable prices. OTC trading is not confined to any specific hours and the transactions can occur with high flexibility which is favorable for large-scale financial institutions. OTC trading is considered to be a great alternative to regular exchanges offering a standalone way to trade assets with heightened liquidity and privacy. 

OTC Trading Platform Development

OTC trading platform development is a streamlined process of developing an OTC trading platform that enables the trading of digital assets including stocks, cryptocurrencies, derivates, etc. This fosters the development of the bespoke trading platform incorporating trading features without compromising on offering convenience to the users. The crypto OTC trading platform supports a network of sellers and buyers in making flexible bilateral transactions without any limits. 

Maticz is the industry’s best OTC trading platform development company that offers all-inclusive OTC trading platform development solutions to craft a pitch-perfect OTC trading platform. Our crypto exchange developers possess the proficiency to develop OTC trading platforms right from scratch deploying cutting-edge trading algorithms, features, and functionalities. We boast a team of OTC crypto experts who assist in creating the platform with meticulous planning integrating trading desk functionality eliminating the risk for institutions with bulk trades. 

White Label OTC Trading Platform 

White label OTC trading platform is a customizable solution to launch an OTC trading platform within a short time. The white-label OTC trading platform comes with advanced features and functionalities tailored to meet the needs and requirements of the client at a robust cost.  Our white-label crypto OTC exchange platform has high liquidity pools, advanced security protocols, multiple payment methods, etc which can be tailored to offer a personalized trading experience. 

Having a decade of experience in creating white-label crypto exchange software our developers strive to develop white-label OTC trading platforms employing the key functionalities of OTC trading. Our white-label OTC crypto exchange platform supports a wide range of derivatives and trading assets. Availing of the white label solutions lets businesses position themselves in the growing market rapidly. 

Features of Our OTC Trading Platform

Maticz crafts a versatile OTC trading platform packed with exemplary features that enhance the overall trading experience for the users. 

Robust Security Protocols

We develop OTC trading platforms that are implemented with military-grade security protocols such as multi-layer authentication, KYC verification, and DDoS to mitigate fraudulent activities. 

Crypto Wallet Integration

Our OTC exchange platform comes integrated with crypto wallets that support multiple currencies that enable users to store, manage, and trade digital assets with high-grade security.

Intuitive Trading Interface

Our crypto exchange developers design OTC trading platforms with user-friendly and appealing interfaces for easy navigation integrated with trading charts and real-time data. 

Multi-currency Support

Our OTC trading platform supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies which attracts a larger user base and extends the global reach and accessibility. 


Our OTC trading platform comes with the capability to customize trading strategies and settlement procedures according to their needs and market conditions.

OTC Crypto Exchange Development Process

Developing an OTC crypto exchange platform encompasses sequential steps right from planning to deployment. The steps listed below create the perfect roadmap for OTC crypto exchange development. 

Market Research and Requirement Analysis

The OTC experts analyze and conduct robust market research to understand the demand for OTC trading. Then they go ahead with gathering requirements such as the scope and goal to get a clear objective of the platform. 

Tech Stack Selection

Choose the right tech stack according to the requirements of the client which plays a major role in the performance of the platform.  Ensure to choose the appropriate programming language, database, development framework, etc.  

OTC Exchange UI/UX Development 

Design and develop a user-friendly and responsive user interface that ensures the users navigate across the exchange seamlessly. An intuitive interface is crucial for offering an engaging trading experience for the traders. 

OTC Trading Algorithm Implementation

The core strategies of OTC trading are implemented within the trading platform to execute the logic and functionality. This enables the users to execute large volume trades irrespective of the price differences. 

Payment Gateway Integration

Once the OTC trading techniques are implemented, the payment gateways are integrated with the platform to make glitch-free transactions enabling faster settlements. 

OTC Trading Platform Testing

The OTC trading platform is subjected to a rigid testing process to evaluate the functionalities of the platform. Our software testing services ensure that the platform is glitch-free and rectifies issues. 

OTC Trading Platform Deployment 

Once the crypto OTC trading platform is launched on the client’s server for the end users. The platform is monitored constantly and provided with post-launch support. 

Benefits of OTC Crypto Exchange Development 

The OTC crypto exchange platform stands as a valuable alternative to traditional exchanges owing to the compelling benefits it offers to traders. 


The OTC trading platforms are available around the clock and are not bound to any specific hours like traditional P2P crypto exchanges. This makes it more flexible and accessible for investors and traders. 

Improved Privacy

Trading in OTC exchange platforms happens directly between the sellers and buyer and does to comply with any intermediaries. This offers a higher level of privacy and anonymity with the transactions. 

Low Transaction Cost 

In contrast to conventional exchange, OTC trading is carried out directly with the parties leading to better prices and minimizing the operations costs, transaction fees, and other additional fees associated with them. 

Enhanced Liquidity 

The OTC market has high liquidity which enables the execution of large trades efficiently reducing the slippage. The OTC market offers stable prices without market fluctuation with minimal transaction risk. 

Reduced Regulatory Risks 

OTC trading is less vulnerable to regulatory risks as it does not comply with central authorities. As the dealers and brokers are the market makers they mitigate the counterparty risk that arises.

What Makes Us The Best OTC Crypto Exchange Development Company? 

The OTC trading platform has always seized tremendous attention from large-scale institutions to execute bulk trades without the need for any intermediaries. Crypto trading also facilitates revenue-generating possibilities and diversified investment opportunities. Looking to be a part of the burgeoning crypto trading market? Then investing in OTC trading platform development will be a worthwhile decision to boost your business growth. 

Maticz is the industry-leading cryptocurrency exchange development company that specializes in crafting impeccable OTC trading platforms leveraging the algorithm of OTC trading and the latest technologies. Our technical prowess aids in developing turn-key white-label crypto exchange solutions adhering to regulatory standards and using the best development practices. Maticz strives to offer a best-in-class OTC trading journey with global reach minimizing market risks. 

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