Are you looking to buy cryptos right now? But don't know which one to buy? Check out our guide to the top 10 cryptocurrencies to buy now in January 2024.

The cryptocurrency market is in the mainstream creating possibilities for investors to make ample revenue in the ever-growing digital space. The popularity of the crypto market and digital assets has led to increasing investments in cryptocurrency with the potential for substantial returns.

According to the Statista reports, the global crypto market revenue is expected to reach US$71.7 Billion by 2028 with a compound annual growth rate of 11.98%.

Crypto investments are shaping the financial landscape making waves to capitalize on the crypto market as a potential investment strategy. As the market advances numerous cryptocurrencies have stood long-term beyond the technological advancements and market performance.

As we enter 2024, this guide will navigate through the high-performing cryptocurrencies that will be the best choice to add to your crypto investment portfolio.

Best Crypto To Buy Now

The top cryptocurrencies by coin market cap are Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have long been deep-rooted as the No.1 and No.2 cryptos to buy now. Binance coin and Solana are emerging as the best crypto to invest in terms of long-lasting profit.

Let’s discuss the 10 best cryptos to buy now in 2024:

Cryptocurrency List

Key Traits

Maximum Supply

Bitcoin (BTC)

Proof-of-work consensus mechanism

21 million BTC

Ethereum (ETH)

Smart contract and Dapp functionality

Infinite supply

Tether (USDT)

Widely adopted stablecoin

Infinite supply

Binance Coin (BNB)

Combination of PoS and PoA algorithm

200 million BNB


Cross border payments

100 billion XRP

Solana (SOL)

Utility token

Unlimited supply


Regulatory compliant

Infinite supply

Cardano (ADA)

Governance token

45 billion ADA

Avalanche (AVAX)

Staking and transaction fees

720 million AVAX

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Low cost and faster

Unlimited supply

Unveil the best cryptos that are poised to shape the world of digital currencies empowering investors to explore new horizons with groundbreaking advancements.

Bitcoin (BTC)

“Renowned For Store Of Value”

Bitcoin (BTC) is the all-time best cryptocurrency that still dominates the crypto space. Bitcoin was launched by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 and is the largest cryptocurrency by market cap. It is built on blockchain technology which is a distributed ledger and it works based on the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism. Bitcoin has evolved into a store of value by gaining mainstream adoption and has become a transformative force in the world of finance. It is listed on various exchanges and maintains a high exchange rate owing to the demand. 

Bitcoin is one the best crypto to buy now as investors are still interested in investing in Bitcoin owing to its long-term stability in the market. 

Key Attributes 

- Store of value

- Long-term market stability

Ethereum (ETH)

“Superior In Smart Contract Functionality”

Ethereum (ETH) is the second-largest cryptocurrency in the market launched in 2015 by programmer Vitalik Buterin. It is known for the smart contract execution and development of Decentralized applications (DApp) and the introduction of NFTs (Non-Fungile Tokens). Ethereum is upgrading to Ethereum 2.0 by switching to a proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanism aiming to validate transactions more securely. It is supported in the majority of popular crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini, and Kraken, and by 2022 around 119 million tokens were issued in active circulation. Buying ETH will be a good choice for investors to position themselves in the crypto realm. 

Key Attributes

- Smart contract and Dapp functionality

- Transition to 2.0

Tether (USDT)

“Recognized As The Largest Stablecoin”

Tether (USDT) is the largest stablecoin which is backed by fiat currencies such as the US dollar, Euro, Mexican Pesos, etc. Tether is the first cryptocurrency to peg its market value to fiat currency. It is launched on Bitcoin’s Omni-layer and it expands to other protocols such as Ethereum, Solana, etc. The stablecoin minimizes volatility owing to its 1-for-1 peg to traditional currencies and it hit an all-time high value of $1.32 in 2018.  Tether is used to convert cryptocurrencies to fiat preventing slippage and hence it would be the best strategy to buy USDT for those who are seeking stability.

Key Attributes

- High liquidity

- Low volatility

Binance Coin (BNB)

“Best in powering Binance smart chain”

Binance Coin (BNB) is the native currency of the largest crypto exchange Binance released in 2017. Initially, Binance Coin ran on the ethereum blockchain and later became the native coin of the Binance smart chain network which was launched during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). It was initially created as a utility coin for low trading fees and it expanded its applications. The BNB coin uses a “burning mechanism” based on gas fees which reduces the total supply to 100 million BNB. Binance Coin would be the best buy for investors owing to its utility beyond the exchange and burning mechanisms. 

Key Attributes 

- Burning mechanism

- Low transaction fees 


“Celebrated For Facilitating Cross-Border Payments”

XRP (XRP) is the cryptocurrency launched by Ripple aiming to offer transaction speed for efficient international transactions and facilitate cross-border payments. XRP is used as a bridge currency as it serves as the intermediary to facilitate the transfer of value between different fiat and cryptocurrencies. XRP operates based on the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA) which achieves the consensus by validating the connected nodes every few seconds. This algorithm helps XRP to be more efficient, faster, and cheap and will be the prime option for buying in 2024.

Key Attributes

- Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA)

- Bridge Currency 

Solana (SOL)

“Serve As A Key Utility Token”

Solana (SOL) is the native cryptocurrency developed by the Solana blockchain and plays a huge role in maintaining the Solana network. The blockchain has an infinite supply of SOL tokens and the SOL token is available in fractional amounts called Lamports, where one Lamport equals 0.000000001 SOL. The Solana network offers governance rights to the SOL token holders. SOL is primarily used as a utility token and serves various purposes to participate in the platform and will be the ideal pick for purchase in the evolving crypto landscape.  

Key Attributes

- Utility token

- High transaction speed


“Safe Haven During Market Volatility”

USD Coin (USDC) is a popular stablecoin whose whole value is pegged to the US dollar and managed by the center consortium. USDC was launched in 2018 on the Ethereum blockchain and is available on other networks now. USDC is conceived to maintain price exactness to the US dollar without any fluctuations and is considered as the alternative to Tether (USDT). USDC can be used to hedge against inflation, volatility, global crowdfunding, blockchain interconnection, etc which are the common use cases of USD Coin and are the factors that signify it as the finest selection to buy.

Key Attributes

- Zero fluctuations

- Hedge against inflation

Cardano (ADA)

“Supreme In Fueling Cardano Platform”

ADA is the native token of the Cardano blockchain which operates based on the proof-of-stake algorithm Ouroboros. The maximum supply chain of ADA is limited to 45 billion tokens. The ADA token supports the Cardano platform like the ethereum platform through transaction fees and is staked by validators to earn rewards. The token will also be used as the governance token enabling the users to vote and support Cardano for future upgradations. In early 2021, the ADA token reached its highest value of $3.10 and this witnesses it would be a best buy for investors.

Key Attributes

- Proof-of-stake algorithm Ouroboros

- Rewards through staking

Avalanche (AVAX)

“Sets New Standards With Robust Consensus Protocol”

AVAX is the native utility token of the Avalanche platform where the maximum supply of AVAX is capped at 720 million. AVAX supports the Avalanche ecosystem by paying transactions, staking, and through transactions on multiple subnets built within the platform. Around 56.79% of the AVAX tokens are staked to secure the avalanche platform also through staking the validators can gain a certain amount of AVAX tokens as rewards. The Avalanche network offers Defi programs to create dApps and the users can participate by holding an AVAX token and buying AVAX will be the best idea for buying in the coming year.

Key Attributes

- 56.79% of AVAX tokens are staked

- Cross-chain transactions

Dogecoin (DOGE)

“Famed For Faster Transactions”

Dogecoin (DOGE) is an open-source cryptocurrency launched in 2013 that was developed based on the Internet meme featuring a Shiba Inu, a Japanese dog breed. The coin was considered the first meme coin and was originally formed as a joke. DOGE uses the proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm and Litecoin’s Scrypt algorithm. The meme coin gained instant attention within the community and it reached a market cap of over US$ 85 billion by 2021 becoming the exemplary choice for purchase in 2024.

Key Attributes

- Scrypt algorithm

- Faster transactions

Closing Notes

The crypto landscape promises to offer a potential investment journey for investors and crypto aspirants. The continuous global crypto adoption, technological advancements, economic trends, and recent developments portray that 2024 will favor investing in cryptocurrencies. The market uncovers lucrative opportunities for investors willing to venture into the crypto pool. However, it is essential to look at the risks associated with them to navigate the landscape.

If you are an active entrepreneur looking to venture into the crypto arena by creating your cryptocurrency, consider connecting with Maticz, the top-ranking crypto coin development company that has successfully developed and deployed myriad cryptocurrencies aligning with the market trends. Our certified blockchain developers leverage best practices to create crypto tokens right from effective smart contracts and consensus mechanisms.

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