Blockchain 2024 Guide - What is Blockchain: Blockchain is a distributed, unchangeable storage system that is used to record transactions, track assets, and build trust.

Blockchain is the updated version of the traditional database mechanism. Let's discuss

What's inside:

- Blockchain defined

- Why Blockchain is important

- Key elements of blockchain

- How blockchain works

- Benefits of blockchain

- Types of blockchain

- Blockchain for industries

- Blockchain uses cases and application

- Blockchain FAQs

- Future of blockchain

Blockchain Defined

Blockchain is a database mechanism that has an immutable ledger and helps in the process of recording transactions. It also supports information sharing within the business in chronological order. It is immutable because any information in the blockchain can neither be deleted nor modified without consensus from a network or a group. This is used to track any virtual asset in the network. Data recorded in the blockchain, being chronologically consistent, and immutable helps prevent unauthorized entries which increases the system's security.

In other words, blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and public ledger where immutable transactions are recorded. It is a chain of linked blocks where each block contains a list of transactions in a secure manner.

Why Blockchain is Important?

The important function of blockchain technology is to mitigate the challenges in traditional database mechanisms. With the transparent process of the recording transaction, any traceability or verification for the multiple-step transaction can be effortlessly done. Any transaction entered in the ledger after verification is automatically updated in real-time. Data once entered cannot be modified unless we get consensus from the network which increases the trust and security. To reduce the potential legal issue, blockchain has to play as an intermediate to verify and attest the transaction from both ends. This helps to boost trust, authenticity, and security.

Key Elements of Blockchain

Blockchain has many powerful elements to play an outstanding role in storing and securing data. Let’s discuss some elements of the blockchain.

Distributed ledger technology

It is a shared database in the blockchain network where all the participants have access to it but information once entered cannot be changed. It can be done only by the authorized person or group. A ledger is a where the transactions are recorded and later referred to for future purposes.

Immutable records

Immutable indicates the quality of being unchanged or altered. No one can tamper with or edit the transaction once recorded on the ledger. If a transaction includes an error, a new transaction must be added to reverse the mistake and both transactions are visible. Thus, this makes the blockchain tamper-proof and authenticate.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts are programs stored in the blockchain network that run automatically once the pre-determined action is completed. It not only boosts the transaction speed but also helps to scale down the cost and the processing time without compromising trust and credibility.


Decentralization in blockchain networks means transferring control and decision-making from a single entity to a group or organization. This organization comprises a large number of participants working to validate and verify the transaction recorded. These networks also prevent the participants from imposing control over each other which protects the network from sabotaging.


Since blockchain is decentralized there is no central authority, so it follows a consensus mechanism where all participants in the networks come to a common agreement to validate the transaction recorded. Participants may not trust each other but can trust the algorithm followed by the networks. A new transaction can be recorded only when the majority gives their consent.

How Blockchain Works?

When a new transaction is recorded in a blockchain, the block is created corresponding to the transaction and then sent to the group or organization for validation and verification

Along with this transaction, a hash value is created equivalent to the block. A subsequent hash value is created by determining the previous block hash value.

If a content is modified, the hash value changes indicating the tampering of the block value. Once the group reaches a consensus block is added to the chain. Thus, the block and chain are linked securely and therefore you cannot edit them.

Each addition of a block strengthens the verification of the previous block and therefore the entire chain. Here the transaction is complete.

Benefits of Blockchain

Some record-keeping systems are exposed to fraud and cyber-attacks. Traditional methods allow less transparency which also slows down the data verification. These challenges can be overcome by blockchain technology. Some of the benefits are


As part of the blockchain, it is assumed that the information is shared among the users who have access to it. It is also ensured that the data received is accurate and on time. This makes the blockchain network confidential and trustable.


Blockchain provides a high level of security that modern digital transactions require preventing the changing, or duplication of information. It uses decentralization and consensus algorithms for a high level of security which is impossible to tamper with. No single user can change or delete the entered transaction.


The distributed ledger shared among the members cuts the time spent while fetching information. To boost up the transaction, smart contracts are stored and executed automatically, thus allowing the transaction to take place smoothly and effortlessly.

Cost Reduction

As blockchain networks eliminate the intermediate, it reduces the compliance cost for the business. The cost spent on documentation is also saved as everyone in the network can access the immutable ledger.


Blockchain makes the transaction history more transparent because it is a distributed ledger where all participants can share the information. No individual can make changes to the transaction so if it's done by a group or organisation is visible to everyone in the network.

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Types of Blockchain

While exploring blockchain technology in detail, let's discuss about 4 major types of blockchain.

Public blockchain

Public blockchains are permissionless blockchains that anyone can join and are not owned by anyone. People primarily use this to exchange or mine cryptocurrencies. Here everyone has equal rights to read, edit, and validate the blockchain.

Private blockchain

These blockchains are not decentralized as a public blockchain, only selected participants can join the process executing consensus algorithm and maintaining a ledger. Thus making it secure. A single organization controls a blockchain, also called a managed blockchain. It has increased privacy for an organization for confidential reasons as a business requirement.

Read more: Private blockchain

Hybrid blockchain

A hybrid blockchain is something that uses the features of both private and public blockchains. It enables an organization to set up a private, permission-based system along with a public blockchain, allowing it to control who can access specific data and make a rest public. Transactions are not public but can be validated by granting access via smart contracts.

Consortium blockchain

Multiple organizations work together to maintain a decentralized network. A pre-selected set of organizations with a common goal share the responsibility of maintaining a blockchain and controlling access rights. Decentralization authority makes it more secure. The limited number of users takes the transaction fast thus time-consuming.

Blockchain for Industries 

Many industries find blockchain technology better than the current tools to complete various tasks of work. Some industries that use the blockchain are

Supply chain management

The application of blockchain in supply chain management is the biggest advantage. It increases automation, transparency, and security. Storing the data on the blockchain enables easy access to information, and makes it secure thus tampering with data is impossible without detection. It increases traceability, reduces fraud, and reduces the overall cost.


In the banking sector, blockchain provides various benefits in terms of transparency, security, and improved record-keeping. Blockchain in the banking system transforms by building a decentralized database of unique assets. Sharing a distributed ledger will help eliminate the preparation of reports and on the other hand help to find the flaws faster. Smart contracts in the blockchain will provide automation to reduce cost and time. This helps to detect client onboarding, anti-money laundering, and fraud protection. Decentralized Finance (De-fi) means shifting from a traditional, centralized method to peer-to-peer finance.


Blockchain in healthcare enables the secured data transfer of the patient's records, enhances data security, and manages the medicine supply chain. Keeping the medical record of the person private is of utmost concern in healthcare and so does the blockchain. It has been recorded that large data breaches are done especially in the healthcare. To overcome these drawbacks, many hospitals have shifted their record system to blockchain.

Since blockchain records are decentralized and transparent, no hacker can exploit the data in the system. This also reduces the need for middlemen and other agencies which cuts down the cost and the human errors. Blockchain keeps the patient's record more private and can be accessed only by the authorized person. It also monitors the illegal drug supply and waste emissions.


A digital world and fast-growing economy are demanding the government to perform more efficiently and transparently. So Government is pushed to point to opt blockchain technology

The distributed ledger helps the government to efficiently store people’s identity information like birth and death dates, marital status, and asset ownership. Smart contracts can initiate the creation and execution of asset transfer, where ownership details are easily detected and reduce the intermediate cost and notarization cost.

Cyber security

Today’s business is fully dependent on the internet and digital technology which in one way increases the speed of connectivity and in another way increases the challenges in terms of cybersecurity. One such nightmare can be ended with the help of blockchain tech. Blockchain enhances cybersecurity and reduces data breaches. As the data is stored over a distributed network, hackers find it more difficult to take control of several systems thus lowering the data tampering. However, if it's done, the tampering can be easily detected.


The entertainment industry has shifted towards the digital world in recent times. While streaming online, providing uninterrupted service, and securing privacy and membership details is predominant. The job here is done and dusted by using blockchain technology.

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Blockchain Use Cases and Applications 

Below are a few use cases for a better understanding of blockchain.

How a product is traced in supply chain management

Blockchain can trace all the steps in the supply chain. If the food you ordered is gross. The respective company owner can go back into the blockchain and check where the process went wrong to displease you. The owner can go from producer to distributor, retailer, and then to purchaser. All the information here is transparent and permanent, making it easy for the owner to access it.

How money transfers are done

Pretend to send 100 dollars to friends, where the bank will make conventional charges of 10 dollars, so, in fact, you are sending only 90 dollars. If the transaction is done overseas, there will be additional charges. The overall process is time-consuming and expensive and it's not that secure. All these challenges can be overcome by making transactions through blockchain. 

Tracking information in hospital management

When the hospital management is asked to fetch a person’s information, it takes hours for the person to locate the file, providing the chances of date breaching or theft, sometimes files may get damaged. Patients providing their card information and their health details must be confidential. People feel secure about their information when blockchain is implemented. Management can easily detect the illegal supply of drugs using the distributed data.

Vote casting system

The best use case in government sectors is that blockchain can end voter fraud. In the traditional voting method, people cast their votes which are counted by a local authority. Because of the central authority, the problem of doubling the vote or fraud arises.

Using blockchain technology, officials can easily count the votes which leaves no space for fraud. Votes once cast in blockchain cannot be changed or erased. Blockchain tech is also used in implementing smart cities, verifying the individual’s education qualification, and also in tax collections.

KYC verification

Fake KYC verification is one of the latest methods to scam naive people. They pose themselves as a service provider and ask for the credentials to steal sensitive information. In the distributed ledger, the information from various portal are collected and protected using cryptographic keys.

Here hackers will find it difficult to crack the keys and access the information. Thus keeping the system more secure.

Blockchain in government records

Blockchain technology gives a transformational approach to property registration offering increased transparency, efficiency, and security. Blockchain creates a distributed ledger where all the parties including the seller, buyer, and government authority can share the information from the ledger. Blockchain can be used in land registration, where resources are available in the distributed ledger. Once the ownership of the property is changed, it will be automatically updated in the system which is immutable without consensus.  If the transfer of property is done in blockchain will cut down the intermediate cost and documentation charges. This also prevents fraudulent activities. 

Blockchain FAQs

What is blockchain in simple words?

In simple words, a Blockchain is a database that stores the information in blocks that are connected through chains. In other words, it’s an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within the business.

What exactly does blockchain do?

Blockchain is the distributed blockchain that records information that is impossible to edit or delete. This increases security and prevents the tampering data hence preserving the originality of the date entered.

What is an example of a blockchain?

Bitcoin is a good example of a blockchain, which contains information about the sender, receiver, and other transaction details. Other examples of the blockchain in real life are NFTs, stablecoins, tokens, crypto wallets, etc. These blockchain assets operate in a decentralized ecosystem for establishing faster and more secure transactions.

Where blockchain is used in real life?

Blockchain is widely used in various industries like health, entertainment, banking, and logistics to secure the data entered and reduce theft and tampering of sensitive information. For instance, hospital management uses blockchain to record the patients and access them in a protected way. Whereas in supply chain management, it’s mainly used to track the location of the product.

Is blockchain safer than banks?

Blockchain is a lot more secure and offers a cheap way of transferring funds which cuts down the cost of intermediate and processing fees charged by traditional banks. Here sender can directly send money to the receiver without the interference of the third party and also ensure a secure way since it's a direct transaction between sender and receivers.

Where is blockchain saved?

It is saved in the networks of computers (nodes) that participate in the verification and validation of the transaction. All the nodes have a copy of the blockchain and are updated whenever a new transaction is added to it.

Future of Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain has transformed the way we work these days. It emerges as a game-changer across various industries, providing solutions to challenges. Its application extends beyond the industries mentioned above. A decentralized system and smart contract in blockchain improves traceability, transparency, and automation. Blockchain can evolve and adopt technology in the upcoming time, where we can expect further advancement and innovation.

Are you ready to embrace technology and transform the way your business works, wait no more, Maticz is the gateway to unlock the potential of blockchain technology. We don't just follow trends, we set them. Our team of experienced blockchain developers is professional in providing a solution to your business needs. Our blockchains are designed with high standards of encryption and decentralization to provide a high level of security. Initiate the journey of innovation and reliability with Maticz.

Read More: Blockchain development services

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