NFT Development Company

Relish the journey of NFT development by availing of our result-driven NFT development services that aid you in taking your NFT business from the bottom line.


NFT Development Solutions

NFT development solutions are the key architects for bringing a whole new level of transformation to the world of digital assets. Maticz is a reputed NFT development company that offers NFT software solutions that cater to unique business needs and industrial niches such as art, music, sports, games, videos, etc. Our NFT solutions bring a seismic shift for your business by bridging the gap between artists, collectors, and investors. Having a team of intellectual NFT developers, we provide NFT solutions encompassing the uniqueness, authenticity, and security of NFTs and the intricacies of smart contracts.

The NFT development services render a new way for active entrepreneurs to create, trade, and invest in digital assets. With the evolution and invention of cutting-edge technologies, Maticz offers data-driven NFT solutions that help redefine your business and amplify your business revenue. We have integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies that aid in the seamless creation, personalized curation, automation, and verifying ownership. Maticz serves you with the mission of turning your innovations and creativity into a measurable profit.

Multichain Interoperability
Agile Methodology
White Label Solutions
Certified NFT Developers

50 +


450 +

Projects Delivered

500 +

Total Projects

Our Versatile

Maticz with their well-equipped NFT experts offers trailblazing NFT development services that will make a difference for your NFT business.

  • NFT Marketplace Development
  • NFT Token Development
  • NFT Minting Platform Development
  • NFT Staking Platform Development
  • NFT Marketplace App Development
  • NFT Smart Contract Development

NFT Marketplace Development

We develop an NFT marketplace that empowers collectors and artists to seamlessly engage in the NFT space by selling, buying, and trading unique digital assets and bridging the gap between digital ownership and creativity.

NFT Token Development

Bespoke NFT Minting Platform Development solutions based on diverse token standards such as ERC-721, ERC-1155, and BEP-721 to tokenize digital assets that create a sense of ownership and value for digital assets.

NFT Minting Platform Development

The NFT minting platform serves as a gateway for the creators and artists to mint their digital assets and sell them as unique collectibles which reshapes the way we interact with digital assets.

NFT Staking Platform Development

Ignite the NFT experience with our exemplary NFT staking platform that helps the users earn rewards by locking their NFTs for a certain period which adds a new layer of utility to NFT ownership.

NFT Marketplace App Development

Step into the realm of endless possibilities with groundbreaking NFT marketplace apps which is a mobile-centric platform that lets your users sell, buy, and trade NFT seamlessly within the palm of their hands.

NFT Smart Contract Development

Empower users with secure, transparent, and automated NFT transactions by deploying meticulously crafted smart contracts that lay the foundation for NFTs to integrate unique functionalities, ownership, royalties, etc.



Our pre-vetted developers at Maticz have in-depth expertise in working with various blockchain networks.

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NFTs are poised to redefine various industries by expanding their applications beyond boundaries. Explore the remarkable use cases of NFT development.

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Digital Art

The popularity of NFTs began by selling and buying digital art. Digital artists can make revenue by tokenizing their artworks and collections.



NFTs are transforming the gaming landscape where the players can own and trade the in-game assets which creates a new revenue stream for the players.



The musicians and artists can tokenize their albums, and audio tracks into NFTs and can create an NFT marketplace exclusively for music which helps in generating revenue.


Real Estate

NFTs are taking the real estate industry to the next level by enabling fractional ownership and helping users to tokenize their real estate properties.



Entrepreneurs can create sports NFT marketplaces to trade, sell, and buy sports collectibles as NFTs and create immersive experiences using VR and AR.



NFTs are ruling the fashion industry by helping brands sell their clothes, and wearables for the avatars in the virtual world.



NFTs have entered the meme industry and enabled meme creators to tokenize their memes monetize them and receive royalties for further transactions.



NFTs are playing a pivotal role in the metaverse by aiding users to purchase virtual lands, buildings, and virtual spaces, and personalize avatars within the metaverse.


Supply Chain

NFTs are automating the supply chain industry by verifying ownership, payments, regulatory compliance, and providing immutable data of the product.

The development of a successful NFT is a multi-step process that requires a sheer level of understanding. Here is the breakdown of the NFT development process.

Determine Blockchain Network And NFT Standard

The initial step in creating an NFT is determining the perfect NFT standards such as the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 token and the right blockchain networks based on your NFT project.

NFT Functionalities Development

At this phase, after finalizing the blockchain and NFT standard the developers proceed by developing the unique features and functionalities of the NFT project.

NFT Smart Contract Development

In this phase, the NFT developers proceed with coding smart contracts which define the ownership, royalties, and attributes of the NFT and deploy them in the respective blockchain.

NFT Metadata Creation

Once the smart contract is developed, the metadata of the NFT such as title, description, image, and other attributes are linked through a token URI.

NFT Minting

Now the developers proceed with the NFT minting process. The digital asset is converted into NFT through the process of minting which establishes the uniqueness and ownership of the NFT.

NFT Testing And Quality Assurance

The developers subject the NFT to cautious testing. The software testing team conducts the smart contract audit to ensure they are bug-free and perform well.

NFT Deployment

This is the final step in developing an NFT. The NFT is now ready to go live and the developers list the NFT in the respective NFT marketplace or the client's server.

Insights On Our

NFT Development Process


Maticz offers NFT development services with compelling benefits that open new avenues for entrepreneurs, startups, and enterprises to engage within the NFT community.

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Digital Ownership

The major benefit of NFTs is digital ownership. NFTs are distinct and they cannot be replicated which adds up the layer of authenticity and scarcity which signifies the ownership of the specific asset.


The NFTs are powered by blockchain technology and the transactions are recorded in the blockchain which can be easily verified for authenticity improving transparency.

Fractional Ownership

One of the unique benefits of NFTs is it enables fractional ownership. This means that multiple individuals can collectively own a single NFT and it makes the high-valuable digital asset easily accessible.

Monetization Opportunities

Developing NFT offers the creators and the collectors avenues for generating revenue. The creators can generate revenue for the long term through royalties.


The NFTs can seamlessly interact and operate across different platforms and blockchain networks broadening connectivity and visibility.

Global Accessibility

NFTs promote global reach by transcending geographical borders. This allows users from any part of the region to access and claim ownership of the NFTs.

Are planning to take your NFT project on a path to success? Maticz houses a team of passionate NFT developers who have a track record of delivering advanced NFT solutions that turn your visionary NFT idea into reality. NFT development opens new and ingenious avenues for entrepreneurs, startups, and enterprises to engage within the NFT community. Our technical prowess has years of experience in delivering agile NFT solutions for developing NFT-based platforms like the NFT marketplace, NFT exchange platform, NFT launchpad, etc.

Our developers always stay on what’s new in the blockchain space to craft exclusive solutions that take your NFT business to a successful verge. Maticz has a team of proficient NFT developers who have mastered a multitude of tech stacks to render NFTs on different blockchain networks with contemporary features and functionalities. With the perfect blend of our NFT expertise and profound understanding of the crypto ecosystem, we provide NFT services that sculpt your pathway to the NFT industry.

NDA Signed
Certified NFT Developers
Affordable NFT Solutions
Flexible Engagement Model
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Time For Action

Hire NFT Developers
Top NFT Development Company

Top NFT Development Company

Maticz is one of the top NFT development companies in India that offers bespoke NFT development solutions that serve as a backbone for your NFT initiatives to thrive in the NFT revolution. As pioneers in the space of blockchain, we create NFTs that transcend the boundaries of various industries, and blockchain networks and broaden their accessibility on various platforms. Our seasoned NFT developers offer NFT solutions that allow you to be at the forefront of the highly lucrative NFT market.

We at Maticz merge our NFT expertise with cross-industry experience to drive your business on the right path forging new connections and potential customers. Maticz serves as a one-stop shop for NFT development with a high level of immutability, transparency, and security. We are committed to delivering the NFT projects on the estimated period with any level of customization. Realize the full potential of our NFT development services to take your NFT business to the next level with a stroke of innovation.

Technology Competence
Highly Creative & Versatile Team
Quality & Security Adherence
Your Business Ideas are Safe
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Pre/Post Deployment Support
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Connect with our experts for detailed technical consultation.


NFT Development is the process of creating and developing non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It also involves creating a marketplace or platform where users can buy and sell the NFTs. NFTs are digital assets that are stored on a blockchain and have unique characteristics that differentiate them from other digital assets. NFTs are used for many different purposes including gaming, digital artwork, collectibles, and digital identities.

The best NFT development company employs qualified professionals with training in Web3, blockchain, smart contracts, and coding to create an NFT platform or token with the features you require. They will also have extensive experience building NFT platforms and coins. Being an expert in NFT development, Maticz offers end-to-end NFT token development services, allowing you to receive royalties for each token sold. We provide NFT development services for gaming products, investment, and land acquisition in addition to digital material like music, art, and films.

NFT Development services facilitate the production and sale of non-fungible tokens allowing users to create and manage non-fungible tokens. This includes the development of the NFT platform, marketplace, Smart contract, Metaverse, tokens, and NFT minting.

You can plan, design and develop NFT in the NFT marketplace and you need to become familiar with the basics of NFT and smart contract programming. You need to look into tools and frameworks that make it easier to create NFTs. After everything is set up, you can easily create your own NFTs.

To develop an NFT product from scratch, the cost may range from $8,000 to $100,000. The price varies depending on the type and features to be included in the mentioned product. Some factors that can influence cost include the time frame, development tools, number of developers needed, platform, and skill level.

Maticz is regarded as a top NFT Development Company because of the robust designs and development of the Blockchain based NFT products to the fullest satisfaction of the Crypto aspirants. We deliver NFT Products with enhanced use cases provoking the revenues and returns from all possible NFT Streams.

Maticz’s NFT Development Services effectively find use in the domains which include, NFT Marketplace Development, NFT Game Development, NFT Token Development, NFT domain Specific Platform Development comprising the domains of Sports, games, art, artifacts and domains.

Owing to the Enhanced use cases of the NFT, Maticz design and develop the NFT based products to serve the cause of audiences looking for different applications over different chains like Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, Polygon, Tron, etc..

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