Smart contract-based MLM development company Maticz offers the best smart contract MLM software and custom MLM platform with smart contract solutions.

With the start of a new decade, a new wave is affecting the global financial system; the wave is the Smart Contract MLM business.

The Smart Contract MLM business has an immense and revolutionary potential to become a billion-dollar business. Entrepreneurs & business startups are gearing towards this top-trending business model.

If you’re one among them? You are in the right place!

Smart Contract Based MLM 

Smart Contract MLM is a decentralized multi-level marketing platform based on the blockchain-powered smart contracts built on various blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, etc… Ethereum Smart Contract-Based MLM is a more familiar and widely dependent MLM platform nowadays Tron Smart Contract MLM is gaining more importance.

Simply, Smart Contract MLM is an MLM Platform with Smart Contract Solutions (i.e.) The MLM platform is integrated with the blockchain-powered smart contract protocols. The entire working model of MLM business is based on the Smart Contracts built on the blockchain network. 

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Smart Contract MLM platforms bring more transparency and trustability in comparison to the traditional MLM business where SCAMS is at its peak with a lot of fraudulent activities.

The application of Smart Contracts in MLM business completely changed people’s insights into MLM business and brought a new dimension to MLM platforms. Both Ethereum & Tron have widely used blockchain platforms for developing smart contracts. Avail of Smart Contract MLM Software and kick-start your MLM business within a few days.

Smart Contract MLM Software

Smart Contract MLM Software is a decentralized MLM platform based on smart contract protocols operating on a blockchain network. Here the smart contracts are developed on various blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Cardano, etc...

By deploying our readymade Smart Contract MLM Software, you can kick-start the Smart Contract-Based MLM platform instantly. With our custom-made MLM Solution, you can customize your MLM platform as you desire.

Features of Smart Contract MLM Software

1. Customizable Smart Contract

2. Decentralized MLM environment

3. Supports all types of MLM plans

4. P2P commission payment structure

5. Multi-tested, Un-hackable MLM platform

6. Ensures 100% transparency & trustability

7. Multiple payment gateway integrations

8. 10X faster & secured MLM platform

9. Advanced UI/UX and user-friendly design

10. Cross-Platform Compatibility – Usability first

11. Easy Down-line making & Network creation

12. Real-time, instant Payout system

13. Easy track & trace of MLM levels & transactions

14. Powerful & Secured Smart Contract Protocols

15. Advanced & Powerful architectural design

Ethereum Smart Contract Based MLM

Ethereum Smart Contract Based MLM is a decentralized multi-level marketing strategy based on Ethereum Blockchain-powered Smart Contracts, here the entire working module & functionalities of the MLM Platform are developed on Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Ethereum Smart Contracts MLM is the widely dependent Smart Contract MLM platform because of the large user base on Ethereum and the highest programming standardization offered by the Ethereum Blockchain network.

Using an Ethereum Smart Contract MLM Software, You can Kick-start your Ethereum Smart Contract MLM platform in a few days.

In recent days, some entrepreneurs have switched to Tron Smart Contracts because of the increased gas fee on the Ethereum Blockchain network. #Maticz has a proven solution to reduce the gas fee (Gas Fee - It is the transaction handling fee on Ethereum Blockchain) for the transaction on your Smart Contract MLM platform.

Connect With Our Experts to Know the solution to reduce the Gas Fee on the Ethereum Blockchain Network ---> Whatsapp | Telegram | Skype

Tron Smart Contract Based MLM

Tron Smart Contract Based MLM is a decentralized MLM platform based on Tron Blockchain-powered, self-executing Tron Smart Contracts (i.e.) MLM Platform with the integration of Tron Smart Contracts. In recent days, TRON Smart Contract MLM has gained more importance because of its faster transactions & fewer gas fees for transactions on the Tron Blockchain network. 

With Tron Smart Contract MLM Software, You can Launch your Tron Smart Contract MLM Platform within a week!

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Why Smart Contract-Based MLM is more revolutionary than Traditional MLM Business?

The traditional MLM business is a multi-level marketing strategy or business model that involves the marketing of products or services directly within the network of autonomous members who are involved in the MLM business plan. This MLM business is also called ad Network Marketing/Referral Marketing/ Pyramid Selling.

The working of the traditional MLM business is based on the traditional contracts (written by humans) which are nothing but the agreed terms & conditions described in the human language and here there is no involvement of any automated contracts.

Traditional MLM business is not considered a legitimate business there are a lot of drawbacks that make traditional MLM business unsuccessful.

Drawbacks in Traditional MLM Business

 - Lot of fraudulent activities & scams 

 - Less trustworthy among people

 - Major benefits only at higher levels

 - Zero transparency & negative perception

 - Less success and a high rejection rate

 - Only a few are successful, the majority fails

 - No guaranteed ROI or income

How Smart Contract MLM Overcomes Drawbacks in Traditional MLM Business?

To overcome these drawbacks in traditional MLM business, the MLM Platform with Smart Contract Solutions (Smart Contract-Based MLM) evolved.

Before getting to know how Smart Contract empowers MLM business, you need to know what Smart Contract is and how it applies to MLM business.

What is a Smart Contract?

Smart Contracts are the digital agreement protocols or automatically executing functionality codes developed on the Blockchain platform. There are various Blockchain platforms like Ethereum, TRON, EOS, etc... are used to execute smart contracts which means they can be executed automatically without the involvement of a third party.

The Smart Contracts deployed on the Blockchain network are immutable (i.e.) The Smart Contracts cannot be altered or changed.

MLM Platform with Smart Contract

MLM Platform with Smart Contract is the MLM Platform with integrated blockchain-powered Smart Contracts. The integration of Smart Contracts in the MLM Platform has turned into the greatest solution to overcome the cons of traditional MLM business.

Here the traditional contracts are replaced by the Smart Contracts built on Blockchain.

The entire functionality of the MLM platform is controlled by the Blockchain-powered self-executing Smart Contracts. 

How Smart Contract Empowers MLM Business?

High Transparency & Trustability

The majority of people are aware of Smart Contracts so the integration of Smart Contracts in MLM business brings MORE TRANSPARENCY & TRUSTABILITY among MLM participants.

Simplifies the MLM Process

The implementation of a Smart Contract in the MLM platform SIMPLIFIES THE MLM WORK PROCESS and makes it more flexible and scalable among MLM members.

Attracts a Lot of Investors & Entrepreneurs

Because of the trustability created by the Smart Contract, ATTRACTS A LOT OF INVESTORS to invest in MLM plans and also paved the way for ENTREPRENEURS to Start an MLM platform to become a billionaire.

Immutability Nature

The immutable characteristics of Smart Contracts bring MORE STABILITY to the MLM platform. These MLM Smart Contracts cannot be changed and no one can tamper with or break a contract in the MLM platform.

Smart Contract Traceability

The Smart Contract TRACEABILITY brings 100% transparency to MLM business and also guarantees the MLM participants to track identify and trace the transactions on the MLM platform. 

Every transaction & MLM participant’s details are stored on separate smart contracts which then get recorded on the Block Explorer. If the Smart Contract is built on the Ethereum Blockchain, then you can view the smart contracts on

Elimination of Scams

The major advantage of Smart Contract-Based MLM is the elimination of scams in MLM business, no third-party involvement, and the setting up of a complete peer-to-peer MLM platform.

Automatic Transactions

The most important part of the Smart Contract MLM business is automatic transactions.

Automatic transactions in a Smart Contract-based MLM business are the self-executing protocols or the automatic transaction of funds or assets when the smart contracts meet the predefined conditions. 

The MLM website owner/Smart Contract Up-loader defines the procedures & conditions of the smart contracts. Once smart contracts are uploaded to the Blockchain network, they cannot be altered & deleted.

Benefits of MLM Platform with Smart Contract 

1. Brings 100% transparency to MLM business.

2. Eliminates fraudulent activities & scams.

3. The MLM platform continues to work until Blockchain exists.

4. Easy track and trace of transactions.

5. Completely Decentralized MLM environment.

6. Eliminates the involvement of a third party.

7. Makes the MLM process easily understandable among users.

8. The entire Smart Contracts can be viewed on Block Explorer.

9. Transparency over Smart Contracts brings more trust among users.

10.  The immense potential of a Smart Contract attracts investors & entrepreneurs.

Now, it’s your time to kick-start a Smart Contract-Based MLM Platform.

How to Create a Smart Contract-Based MLM Platform?

Maticz Technologies is a leading Smart Contract MLM Development Company that offers top-class Smart Contract-Based MLM Development Services that come with two options for starting a Smart contract-based MLM business platform.

 --> Option - 1

Building an MLM Platform from scratch (i.e.) Developing an MLM platform and then integrating Smart Contracts built on Blockchain platforms.

We built Smart Contracts on various Blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Cardano, Avalance, etc…

 --> Option - 2

The most cost-effective way to start a Smart Contract-Based MLM platform is the Smart Contract MLM Software.

Maticz’s Smart Contract MLM Software- DEXARK 

DEXARK is a complete white-label solution to kick-start your Smart Contract MLM platform. You can customize our Smart Contract MLM Software based on your business requirements.

We offer Smart Contract MLM Software based on the Blockchain Smart Contract you want to integrate into your MLM platform.

Why Should You Build a Smart Contract MLM Platform with Smart Contract MLM Software?

There are two key reasons why you should utilize Smart Contract MLM Software rather than building a Smart Contract MLM platform from scratch.

<< Rapid launch of MLM Platform within a week

<< Cost-effective

Building a Smart Contract MLM platform from scratch takes more time frame and is expensive in comparison with ready-to-launch Smart Contract MLM Software.

By customizing (based on your requirements) and deploying Maticz’s Smart Contract MLM Software - DEXARK, You can launch the Smart Contract MLM platform within a week! 

Smart Contract MLM Software – Supports All Types of MLM Plans

Maticz’s Smart Contract MLM Software is designed in a way to support all types of MLM business plans:

<< Ponzi or Pyramid MLM Plan

<< Binary MLM Plan

<< Broad MLM Plan

<< Matrix MLM Plan

<< Uni-level MLM plan

<< Hybrid MLM Plan

<< Australian Binary MLM Plan

<< Generation MLM Plan

<< Stair Step MLM Plan

<< Mono-line MLM Plan

<< Spill Over Binary MLM Plan

<< Australian X-Up MLM Plan 

Current Trending MLM Business Plans

<< Forsage MLM Plan

<< Million Money MLM Plan

<< Bank of TRON MLM Plan

<< Lion's Share MLM Plan

<< ForsageTron MLM Plan

<< Doubleway MLM Plan

Maticz Smart Contract developers develop a highly customizable Smart Contract so that you can customize the MLM plans, registration fee, commission fee, etc… based on your business requirements.

Why Maticz’s for Smart Contract MLM Development?

Maticz Technologies is a leading Smart Contract MLM Development Company having certified Smart Contract developers who have excelled in Smart Contract-Based MLM Development on Ethereum & Tron Blockchain Networks.

We are also experts in developing Smart Contract MLM platforms similar to Million Money, Forsage, ForsageTron, Etrix, Lions Share, EthereumsCash,  Supersage, etc…

Get our ready-made, customizable Smart Contract MLM Software to kick-start your Smart Contract MLM platform within a week!

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Smart Contract Based MLM is an MLM Platform with Smart Contract Solutions (i.e.) The MLM platform is integrated with the Blockchain powered Smart Contract protocols. The entire working model of MLM business is based on the Smart Contracts built on the Blockchain network.

MLM platform with Smart Contract brings more transparency and trustability which changed people’s insights over MLM business and brings a new dimension to MLM platforms. Both Ethereum & Tron Smart Contracts are widely used blockchain platforms for developing smart contracts.

Our feature-packed Smart Contract based MLM Software comes with customizable smart contracts, P2P commission structure, multiple payment gateway integration, cross-platform compatibility, etc.

Yes, we develop both Tron & Ethereum Smart Contract based MLM platforms that outfits your business requirements cent percent.

Maticz delivers the White Label Smart Contract based MLM with specialized and secured Smart Contracts protocols giving no room for ransomeware attacks & hacks at an affordable cost.

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