Why is a blockchain voting system necessary? Implementing blockchain in voting revolutionizes the election process and enhances the trust of voters in the election scenario.

Blockchain in Voting

Election - which has been followed for decades around the globe in a democratic country to elect the right candidates to take care of the country's official system for a certain period. The election is carried out by the voting process among the population of the country and this has been normal for years. But in recent days there have been many problems and scams surrounding the election process, so to overcome this blockchain has become one of the most trusted technology at present. Let’s, see how blockchain will be transforming the present scenario of elections in the coming years.

Blockchain in Voting System

Blockchain in voting works on a decentralized system solving the problems that we face in the traditional system like security, privacy, and other scams. So, bringing blockchain into voting improves privacy and eliminates any kind of scams or fraud actions taken in the voting system.

Blockchain makes every piece of information present in the chain all the time which makes it unchangeable which makes it trustworthy. So, getting blockchain into the election improves the trust of the voters as the information cannot be removed.

Blockchain in the voting system will change the scenario of the election in every country taking all the processes decentralized removing the central authority and providing a transparent system to vote and view the results. This improves the trust of every person in the country in the election process.

Blockchain improves transparency whereas the traditional system allows only the election commission and other high government officials to view the whole process where people will be able to see only the result. But the blockchain adoption allows the system to function transparently allowing the public to go through the whole counting process.

Adopting blockchain takes in the data of every person from candidates, and election administrators to voters allowing every process to go through the online portal backed with blockchain technology.

Blockchain E-Voting System - Future of Election

The present technologies will change the future scenario of elections in the coming years taking every process through a decentralized system. There are three main players in the system Voters, Candidates, and Election administrators. Let’s see how these three categories of people play their role if blockchain is incorporated into the system.

Election Administrators - The officials take care of the whole election process from verifying the voter list to counting which includes the candidate registration as well. They take care of all their processes digitally with over the blockchain system which cannot be removed or modified.

Candidate - The candidate registration is taken through the blockchain system where every information of the candidate from political party to personal details is made available during the registration process. After the election, the candidate will be able to go through the results directly under their blockchain portal.

Voters - The voter's list will be updated on the blockchain network and the voters will be able to vote for the right candidate with their portal and their identity along with that users have to get their face recognition using the camera on their PC or mobile for additional verification.

Steps in Blockchain Voting System

There are a few steps involved in the blockchain voting system and here we have listed out the sequence of blockchain voting.

Voter Registration - Voters can register themself in the blockchain portal with their citizenship identity and on approval the voter will be eligible to get their digital voter ID under the blockchain system.

Candidate Registration - Candidates will be able to register through the blockchain platform with all their identities and details. On approval of candidate registration, the person will be able to participate in the election and finally will be able to view the result on the same platform.

Voting on Blockchain - During the time of election the voters will be able to make their vote through the blockchain platform. Voters have to log in with their private key and verify their identity before casting their vote. Once they are verified they will be able to cast their vote.

Counting & Result - Once all processes are over officials will be auditing the votes with the help of smart contracts at ease. Every vote is being made as a token and all this is processed in the blockchain network the final result will be out and the counting process will be transparent on the blockchain.

Why Do We Need a Blockchain Voting System?

Blockchain voting systems have become a must situation in the present era as many youngsters are losing their trust in the election process and election model. So, to gain the trust of youngsters and to improve the percentage of voter participation in elections blockchain adoption has become the most important talk in recent days.

Also, apart from this, multiple scams and frauds are happening in the present election system, particularly in countries with huge populations. Two more points are being noted as important points one is the privacy of voters and the other is the voter has to verify their votes whether it was voted to the right person. To overcome this blockchain will be the right choice as it considers everything that cannot be modified and removed.

Why Maticz for Voting Blockchain Solutions?

Maticz is a pioneer in the blockchain industry working on the development and launch of advanced blockchain platforms in the digital space. We offer a wide range of blockchain development services to clients around the globe. Maticz has successfully developed and launched more than 400+ projects on various ideas and industries in the digital space from startups to enterprises.

Maticz offers blockchain solutions to elevate the present voting system to the next standard with better security. Our blockchain experts offer a secured blockchain platform that can be used for registration, voting, and result declaration as well. It has a separate portal for candidates and provides a simple way for voters to verify their identity before voting. All the data on the platform is stored in multiple nodes of the network.

Have an idea to adopt blockchain into your business model or looking to set up a new business? Get connected with our experts and we will work on your idea.

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