Maticz is a prominent BRC-721E token development company that offers BRC721 token development services with the industry's BRC-721 token developers.

What is the BRC-721 Protocol?

BRC-721 is a bitcoin ordinals token standard built upon the bitcoin ordinals protocol which is similar to the BRC-20 token and it is particularly developed for non-fungible tokens where BRC-20 tokens couldn't adopt NFTs. BRC-20 standard is preferred for fungible tokens and also this leads to high transfer costs which have resulted in the development of the BRC-721 token standard.

Know about BRC-721E Token Standard

BRC-721E token is a new token standard that lets the users transfer their NFTs from the Ethereum blockchain to Bitcoin ordinals. To know about BRC-721E you need to know about bitcoin ordinals and inscriptions. Bitcoin Ordinals are the form of a key or a file folder of a digital asset and those digital assets may be video, photos, or any kind of digital collectibles and these digital assets are framed as inscriptions. Ordinals are based on a centralized system and to bring the digital collectibles to the decentralized network based on the bitcoin network BRC-721E is introduced.

BRC-721 protocol was introduced for a decentralized approach to digital collectibles and is similar to the ERC-721 standard on the Ethereum blockchain network. BRC-721 comprises the same qualities as ERC-721 and it offers a secure way of verifying, managing, storing, and transferring digital collectibles on the Bitcoin network. BRC-721 is formed to take the usage of Bitcoin to all areas like Ethereum.

BRC-721E - Migrate NFTs from ETH to BTC

Ethereum was the first blockchain network to introduce NFT standard tokens as ERC-721 and other blockchain networks worked on it. This is the reason why most of the NFT collections and projects are present over the Ethereum blockchain. Now the launch of BRC-721 has bought a significant change to the NFT world where the non-fungible token from the Ethereum network can be transferred to the Bitcoin network with the help of the standard BRC-721E. 

The new token protocol BRC-721 is evolved from BRC-20 which shows a similar specification to ERC-721. BRC-20 was the first token standard of Bitcoin ordinals the reason for choosing our new BRC-721 protocol is that the BRC-20 token supports only the fungible token. To overcome this BRC-721 protocol is introduced for non-fungible tokens. To migrate your ERC-721 standard NFT to BRC-721E when the users burn the NFT and inscribe over the satoshi. 

How does BRC-721E Standard Token Work?

Let’s get to know more about how BRC-721 standard tokens work when the ERC-721 token is burned. The BRC-721E was introduced by the Mildays NFT collection in collaboration with Ordinals Market and Bitcoin wallet Xverse. The token is said to perform as a bridge between Ethereum and Bitcoin networks. If a user wishes to change their NFT from the Ethereum network to Bitcoin ordinals the user has to burn the token and inscribe on a satoshi on the Bitcoin network. Once it is inscribed the user will be able to find the NFT on the Ordinals Marketplace collection.

Even though the NFTs are transferred the metadata is initially not stored on-chain and it is stored on the marketplace collection page. But Ordinals come up with the option of storing the preview of the NFTs over on-chain in the wallets.

BRC-721E Token Development

Maticz is a pioneer to explore Bitcoin ordinals protocol & BRC-20 token standard and now it is the team moves on with BRC-721 token development process. BRC-721 is launched with similar abilities to ERC-721 over the bitcoin ordinals that connect with the bitcoin network. The team of blockchain experts comes up with all the required knowledge in setting up the BRC-721 token standard in the NFT marketplace and all other NFT-required platforms like games, NFT collectibles, and more.

Maticz is a leading BRC-721E Token Development Company, which has the world on multiple token projects for years with its team of experienced token developers. With the knowledge of Bitcoin ordinals and inscription, our certified blockchain developers will plan your NFT marketplace and other platforms that support BRC-721 standards. 

Benefits of BRC-721E Token Standard

BRC-721 token is used as a bridge between the Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchain network with the help of the Bitcoin ordinals. The BRC-721E token is in its initial stage and the usage of Bitcoin ordinals-based tokens is surging day by day. The usage of BRC-20 has brought the hype on BRC-721 token as well and this will let many users plan out their future projects like NFT Marketplaces and other digital collectible platforms with the support of BRC-721.

The usage of ERC-721 is huge when compared to all other token standards ERC-721 is widely used because it supports non-fungible tokens. In that same way, BRC-721 will be widely used by all crypto users in the upcoming days. Opting out of BRC-721 will benefit users to scale up their values automatically as their project will be moving on from the Ethereum blockchain to Bitcoin ordinal protocol.

End Thoughts

The usage of cryptos and tokens is growing gradually because of the interest in the decentralized concept and it all started with the launch of bitcoin. But today’s crypto community is huge because of Ethereum and its token standard, even though the craze on Bitcoin is growing each day. To match this craze entrepreneurs and businessmen will be searching for a solution and now the BRC-20 token launch and BRC-721 launch has brought a solution to take the Bitcoin community to the next level. 

Are you looking to join the digital space business world this is the right time to grab the opportunity. Connect with our experts and discuss your project ideas with our experts and plan the right business platform concerning BRC-20 tokens standards or BRC-721 standards. 

Related Article: BRC20 token development

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