Blockchain digital identity management helps government agencies and other companies verify and manage users' identities in a better-secured way over digital space.

Blockchain and Identity Management

Blockchain offers a wide range of benefits to every industry present out in the globe making every business traceable, transparent, and more secure than ever before. Now blockchain is brought in for managing the identity of each person taking a better step in user identity verfication. There are several certificates, licenses, employee id, citizen identities, and more which has to be handled in different situations.

Blockchain and identity management will be the best solution at present to overcome all the scams and fake verifications around the globe both in physical and digital space. Blockchain usage has increased and many industries have started working on incorporating blockchain into their system for managing identity and other certificates in a better secured way.

Blockchain for Identity Verification

The growing illegal activities with other people's identity and to ease of the verification process beyond boundaries has forced to bring of blockchain for identity verification. The users will be able to set up their identity in the blockchain network which cannot be modified or removed till the network exists making it more transparent and secure. From vaccinations to educational certificates, government IDs can be brought into it and many government institutions are working on it.

Blockchain for Identity Verification will be replacing the present traditional methods of carrying the documents everywhere we move on. Instead, a simple digital ID will be enough to showcase all the required certificates digitally across boundaries around the globe. As government organizations are watching out for the blockchain the world will soon experience a great transformation in years where every ID and certificate of every person will be present digitally in the blockchain network and users may use it for verifications. Apart from the government, many private institutions are also going after it to help their users with unique identities.

What is the need for a Decentralized Identity?

Blockchain is the most secure way to date to process any kind of digital process, and with growing fake verifications and scams with other user's identities many are looking for a new way to verify users. This is where decentralized identity comes in as these are powered with blockchain it cannot be changed to removed and it's not easy to access the information like other traditional data base making it the most secure system.

Decentralized Identity is the best present solution to verify users beyond boundaries digitally in a secure way which is going to play a major role in the future. The present system requires various IDs in various situations making it more complicated to bring blockchain creates a space for every user where every ID is brought digitally into the blockchain and it holds every certificate and ID of the user.

“Decentralized Identity is the only solution that lets the user's identity safe and secure”

Blockchain for Digital Identity

The top countries around the world have an existing digital identity system that lacks a secure way to manage it and a secure verification process. This is resolved with blockchain technology as it is a decentralized network it becomes more complicated to retrieve users' information for hackers. Blockchain technology will change the whole identity management and verification system in the coming days.

Blockchain and Digital Identity will be solving most of the present problems with its advanced solutions. Government organizations, banks, and financial institutions are the ones often exposed to hacks and other fraud activities because of its traditional identity management system as blockchain will change the work of digital identity how these organizations have been going for years.

Implementing Blockchain Identity Management

The implementation of blockchain identity management needs a unique set of work processes based on the requirements the developers work on. The implementation of digital identity management works differently for companies and government organizations. Maticz works on the development of blockchain solutions to set up for companies and governments.

Blockchain Identity For Companies

When it comes to setting up a separate system within the company norms it needs a separate set of operations according to every company and based on its users base. But here the system works only within the company ecosystem. MNCs will have offices around the globe giving jobs to thousands, so setting up a separate identity management system improves the way to store certificates and other details of companies and employees safe and secure in the digital space.

Blockchain Identity For Governments

Coming to government institutions it varies on with different operations of the government but it needs an extra layer of security to protect every citizen's data. With this government can issue certificates, passports, licenses, and other IDs to its citizens at ease and this can be used by the citizens at any time from anywhere around the world for verification purposes bringing everything to the digital space.

Benefits of Blockchain Identity Verification

Blockchain identity verification benefits the governments and the private sector as a whole in various ways and here are a few things that matter the most of all other benefits.


Digital Identity that is given by the government can be used to ease the process of immigration to other countries by verifying the person.

Bank Loans

With the available digital IDs and certificates, bank loans can be easily processed by every bank as the user will have every certificate issued by the government.

KYC Verification

As it holds every document that showcases the user’s identity it makes the KYC verification step easy for any process with just a click.

Health Records

Users will be able to hold the records for their treatment which lets them share the details at any time in any case even for further treatment at another place.


The user can hold the documents of properties they own and even can have the documents of the insurance they hold under a secured network.

Why Choose Us for Implementing Blockchain Identification?

Maticz is a leading blockchain development agency that offers multiple blockchain services to clients around the globe under various requirements from startups to fintech companies. The team has successfully developed and launched more than 200+ projects in the past three years making a great milestone in a short period. The team is powered by well-experienced certified blockchain experts and with the minds of youngsters making Maticz to make out every possible situation for every problem of our clients.

From education to banking and government ID, everything can be brought up with digital identity. Do you have an idea of setting up a digital identity for the users of your business? Go with the idea and improve their data security with the decentralized identity which improves your business growth and attracts more users. Set up a meeting with users to adopt blockchain identity management into your business.

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