Want to know, how much telemedicine app development cost varies with different countries? Here's a guide explaining the telemedicine app development cost in 2024.


The rise of COVID-19 paves the way for the telehealth app, which leads to telemedicine app development. Now it's the primary goal for many healthcare organizations that want to provide care for patients at a distance.

This article will give you a glance at the telemedicine app development cost and the factors that affect it. And gives you a better understanding of the cost of the telemedicine app and helps you decide better where to invest and mitigate all risks.

A basic telemedicine app development will cost between $30,000 to $40,000 and this is the approximate value for the App. The overall cost of the telemedicine app can vary based on its complexity and the required features of the app. The high-complexity telemedicine app with its extensive features will cost you around $50,000 to $150,000.    

Before diving into the overall aspects and the factors that affect the telemedicine app, let's take a look at the market value of the telemedicine app this statistic will demonstrate how promising the telemedicine app development is.

Market Value of Telemedicine Apps in 2024

1) According to GlobalNewswire, the telemedicine app market size will be around 80 billion USD in 2024, and it is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 25.7% between 2024 to 2030, resulting in a market value of 590 billion USD by 2032. In ten years of span, the telemedicine app will be a huge market in the medical industry.

2) According to Statista, the total number of telemedicine app downloads in 2024 is expected to reach 574 million. This represents a significant increase from the 387 million downloads in 2024.

3) The United States is expected to lead the world in telemedicine app downloads in 2024, with an estimated 224 million downloads. Other countries with a high number of expected downloads include China (142 million), India (79 million), and Brazil (58 million).

4) According to Market Data Forecasts, North America was the largest regional market in the global telemedicine app market, with 35% of the share.

This will show the telemedicine app's dominance and how it has fueled the growth of telehealth apps around the world. Let us take a look at the players you want to share the space with.

Top Telemedicine Apps in 2024

Here are a few popular telemedicine apps that hold a considerable market share in the telemedicine industry.

- AmWell

- MDLive

- Dialogue

- Doctor on Demand

- Lemonaid

- LiveHealth

- Talkspace

All these apps come with their own set of features and unique experiences for the patients, while some of these apps use advanced technologies, and some of them make it simple for the patients to book appointments with the doctors and use their services. 

Here is the market scope of the above telemedicine app. This shows the scope of the telemedicine app.

AmWell: Around $300 million

Doctor on Demand: Around $900 million

MDLive: Around $230 million

Dialogue: Around $200 million

Talkspace: Around $270 million

This shows the potential and scope of the digital healthcare market. The overall market share of these apps will be capable of determining how lucrative digital healthcare is.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Telemedicine or Telehealth App?

The rough estimation of the cost of developing the telemedicine app falls somewhere between $20,000 to $170,000. The cost may also be affected based on the advanced features in your app. UI/UX design and the tech stack you choose have come into play, for developing your telemedicine app If your app is more complex, it will cost more.

App TypesEstimated Cost
Time Frame
Simple App
$20,000 - $30,000
3 - 5 months
Medium Complex App
$30,000 - $80,000
5 - 11 months
High Complex App
$80,000 - $170,000
11+ months

Now you have a rough estimation of the cost to build your telemedicine app, take a look at the approximate time to build a basic feature app on an hourly basis.

Hourly Basis to Build a Basic Telemedicine App

Patient App (Hours)
Doctor/Admin Panel (Hours)
20 - 30
20 - 25
Profile Management
15 - 25
15 - 20
Appointment Scheduling
25 - 35
25 - 30
Video Consultation
30 - 40
25 - 40
Prescription Management
20 - 30
20 - 25
Payment Integration
20 - 25
15 - 20
20 - 30
15 - 25
10 - 20
10 - 20
Search/Filter Functionality
20 - 30
15 - 25
Health Records
25 - 35
20 - 30
Admin Dashboard
-25 - 40
User Management
-20 - 30
-20 - 30
Settings & Configuration
15 - 25
15 - 25

The above table will demonstrate the rough time takes to develop a basic telemedicine app. Now have a look at the cost to build a telemedicine app on an hourly basis from various regions.

Telemedicine App Developer Cost on an Hourly Basis Across Various Countries

Compared to any other region, India is comparatively less price to build your telemedicine app. India also has a wider range of developer communities than any other region, which is why it's affordable compared to any other region in the world.

On average, you can build your telemedicine app in India for between $25 - $40. The majority of countries prefer to hire developers in India for their quality work and cost-effectiveness.

Average Hourly Rate (USD)
$100 - $150
$80 - $120
$90 - $140
$50 - $80
$70 - $110
$25 - $40

Now you may have a rough estimate of telemedicine app developer cost, let us take a look further into the factors that affect the cost.

Factors That Affect The Telemedicine App Development Cost

Here are some of the major factors that can influence the cost of your app, This will help you make a better decision and help you avoid risk while developing your telemedicine app.  


The cost of a telemedicine app can be affected by the number of features it holds, when your app requires an advanced feature compared to any other app in the market, it will cost you more. For example, a simple app with normal features and a nominal admin panel will cost you around $20,000 - $40,000 but increasing the features and functionality of the telemedicine app can increase the overall gross price of the app.

App Development

App development can differ based on the hours required to code your application, and the types of the development team will affect the cost of your application, Here are a few types of development teams that can help you build your app,

Local App Development Company: $230,000 - $250,000

Outsourcing App Development Company: $80,000 - $120,000

Freelancer: $35,000 - $50,000

Based on your requirements and budget, you can choose the type of team you need and start building your telemedicine app


As I said before, the location you prefer to build your app will have a major impact on your budget. For instance, 

Telemedicine App Development Cost in India

The cost of living in India is comparatively lower than in any other region and India has a wide range of skilled developers to make your app more appealing and feature-packed at an affordable price somewhere between $30,000 - $120,000.

Telemedicine App Development Cost in the USA

In the United States, there is a huge developer community with vast skills but the average hourly rate for developing a telemedicine app is comparatively higher than in any other region on average the cost to build a telemedicine app will fall around $170,000 to $250,000. this is why most of the USA-based companies hire Indian companies for their software needs.

Telemedicine App Development Cost in Europe

The cost of living in Europe is higher than in any other region, so it's obvious that the cost of developing the app or software is higher than in any other region. Even a small project will make you feel like you're paying a lot. On average, telemedicine app development in Europe will cost between $150,000 to $230,000.

Telemedicine App Development Cost in UAE

The usual cost of developing a telemedicine app will be around $70 - $80 per hour in UAE which is a little higher than in India. On average, the cost to build your telemedicine app in UAE will fall between $100,000 to $170,000.

Team Size

An important factor that influences the cost of the telemedicine app is the size of the team that works on your project. When your app is complicated, it is quite impossible to complete your project with a small team, so the resources need to be allocated based on your app's size. There need to be enough team members to complete your telemedicine app based on your requirements. 

Here is the list of specialists who need to be in a team to make your app more functional and appealing.

1) UI/UX Designer

2) Frontend Developer

3) Backend Developer

4) Business Analyst

5) Project Manager

6) Quality Analyst

7) DevOps Engineer

Tech Stack

Choosing the right tech stack is an important part of app development, choosing the robust tech stack can handle the huge user base of the app with ease. But it also comes with the price, As the more technologies implemented in your app, the more it will cost.

Programming Language 

Kotlin, Java (android)

Swift (iOS)

Backend Development

Programming Language: node.js

Video Conferencing: RTMP, Twilio, WebRTC

Chat: Twilio, Socket.io

Database: MySQL

APIs and Frame Works: Stripe, EC2, S3


Filters: Elastic search

Mailing: Elastic Emails

Geolocations: Google maps

Notification: Firebase Cloud Messaging 

Now that you have a good understanding of the factors that influence the cost of telemedicine app development, let us look at the must-have features in your telemedicine app and their costs.

Must-Have Features In Your Telemedicine App And Its Cost

Here are the few must-have features of your telemedicine app, and the approximate cost for every feature is listed in the table below.

Estimated Cost Range
User-friendly Interface and Authentication
Intuitive design and secure login methods
$3,000 - $5,000
Real-time Video Consultations
High-quality video/audio for remote consultations
$8,000 - $12,000
Appointment Scheduling and Reminders
Convenient booking with automatic reminders
$4,000 - $6,000
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Integration
Seamlessly accesses patient medical histories
$6,000 - $9,000
Prescription and Medication Management
E-prescriptions and medication reminders
$5,000 - $8,000
Secure Messaging and File Sharing
Secure communication and file exchange
$4,000 - $6,000
Multi-Platform Compatibility
Accessible on smartphones, tablets, and the web
$3,000 - $5,000
Telehealth Analytics
Insights into app usage and patient satisfaction
$5,000 - $7,000
Telemedicine Marketplace
Browse/select providers based on specialties
$7,000 - $10,000
Cross-Platform Mobile App (iOS/Android)
Development for both major mobile platforms
Additional $8,000 - $12,000
Web Application
Accessible through web browsers
Additional $6,000 - $10,000
Admin Dashboard
Manage appointments, users, and analytics
Additional $7,000 - $10,000
API Integration
Connect with third-party systems (e.g., EHR)
Additional $4,000 - $7,000

All the above-estimated costs are approximate and can vary based on factors such as app complexity, design, customization, and additional functionalities.

You may like to know Mobile app development costs across different countries.

How to Monitze a Telemedicine Mobile App? 

Monetizing a telemedicine mobile app can be a strategic move to sustain your healthcare innovation while providing value to users. Here are some effective approaches to generating revenue from your telemedicine app:

1. Fees

Implement a straightforward fee structure for virtual consultations. Patients can pay a set amount for each online appointment with healthcare professionals. This method offers a clear transactional model, where users pay for the services they use, making it particularly suitable for those seeking occasional medical guidance.

2. Subscription

Introduce subscription-based plans that grant users access to a range of premium features. These could include unlimited consultations, priority scheduling, or additional health resources. Subscriptions create a consistent revenue stream and encourage users to engage more frequently with the app.

3. Advertisement

Incorporate unobtrusive and relevant health-related advertisements within the app. Partner with pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment providers, or wellness brands to display targeted ads. This approach can generate revenue while maintaining user engagement and experience.

4. In-app purchases

Offer in-app purchases of pharmaceuticals, supplements, or medical equipment. Collaborate with pharmacies to provide a seamless purchasing experience directly from the app. This method not only generates income but also enhances convenience for users.

By choosing the right monetization strategy tailored to your target audience, you can ensure the sustainability and growth of your telemedicine app while making a positive impact on healthcare accessibility.

How Maticz Can Help?

In the dynamic landscape of Telemedicine App Development, Maticz stands as a trusted partner ready to bring your vision to life. With a wealth of experience in crafting cutting-edge Mobile app development services, we are pried to transform your telemedicine aspirations into reality. Our expert team of developers and designers is well-versed in creating intuitive, secure, and user-friendly telemedicine apps that seamlessly connect patients and healthcare providers. 

Being a prominent Software Development Company, We take pride in our commitment to quality, ensuring that every part of your app is meticulously crafted to meet industry standards and exceed user expectations. Embark on a journey towards revolutionizing healthcare with Maticz – your bridge to innovation in telemedicine app development.

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