Want to create your own NFT game? Check out this NFT game development guide defining a step-by-step process to build custom NFT games from scratch.

In recent times, NFTs have become popular in the gaming industry. They combine traditional gaming with blockchain technology to provide us with a significant experience. So the integration of blockchain with games provides the player with real ownership of the in-game virtual assets and also captivates the player in many ways. Hence developing an NFT game requires crucial planning.

NFT games explain that the games are not just entertainment but can do more. NFT games analyze the hidden yearnings of the gaming platform and design the games accordingly.  The developed games are even combined with the NFT marketplace that provides a platform for the players to buy, sell, or trade the gaming assets. From this article let's learn the way to handle NFT game development to increase the possibility of success. 

What is NFT Gaming?

NFT game is kind of a crypto-based earn-to-play concept that implements NFT in the gameplay and enables the player to explore the in-game mechanics and earn rewards. These rewards in the NFT games are often authenticated by the cryptocurrency offering an original possession of these digital assets This unlocks a new level of trust in the gaming industry. Playing NFT games will help the player get real-world financial benefits and also comes with the following features: 

It allows the NFT to be compatible across different gaming platforms on behalf of in-game assets.

To build a decentralized system of smart contracts to eliminate the intervention of third-party consequently improving the security

Tracks the origin of the asset and provides a transaction history and other required information.

Each NFT possesses a unique code that differentiates between one and the other.

NFT Game Development

It is a set of procedures followed to develop a game that utilizes the Non-Fungible Token as the principal part of the gameplay. It creates digital games where the assets are tokenized on blockchain as NFTs. Players can take up the whole ownership of those digital assets and thus can sell them to others or earn from them.

The reason behind the recent popularity of NFT Game Development is their transparency and their decentralized system where players can interact with many others. Some of the NFT Games are:

Axie Infinity: Enable the players to earn AXS tokens which are then used for platform governance. Initially, they buy digital pets using tokens and make them to produce a generation of these creatures.

Splinterland: It is an NFT card game that allows you to play. With those cards either we can trade with someone or sell it.

CryptoKitties: It is a card-based games that assist players in buying selling or trading virtual assets where players breed digital cats using Ethereum.

Basic NFT Game Model

While creating the NFT game it is important to be aware of the types of NFT game models that are available. They are widely categorized into two.

Play-to-Earn (P2E)

In the play-to-earn game model, the player has to buy their tokens initially to start playing. These games allow the players to gain rewards or tokens while playing the game. They generally offer utility tokens that can used within the blockchain and hence cannot be traded in the open market.

Free-to-Play (F2P)

In the free-to-play game model, an initial investment is not required to play. Since this model offers access to games for free, there are fewer games available on the market. So organizations harness the potential of this model by strategically using NFTs. These can trade directly on the open market and no utility tokens are provided.

Steps Involved In Developing A NFT Game

Follow the below steps to build an NFT game which is an exciting procedure that merges the gaming industry and blockchain, to remain at the forefront of the competitive market.


Irrespective of any specification, any project planning begins with preparation. It is important to make sure that the development process is drafted effectively to harness the best output. So it is convenient to divide it into parts that help to prepare

Have A Game Concept

This stage decides whether the further process is executed seamlessly or not. The engaging game concept will attract gamers to come back for more. To understand the preferences of the target audience, compare several games and extract the data from them. It is important to choose the game genre and concept to adhere to the data collected from the market research.

Choose The Blockchain

Select the appropriate blockchain that includes Ethereum, Flow, or Tezos that is supported by the NFT creation and Trading. It is also essential to consider factors like security, transaction speed, and ease of development while choosing the blockchain.

Choose A Platform

There is no bound in selecting the platform, NFT game development can be built for mobile, web, desktop, and AR/VR-based gadgets. It must be accessed by all users regardless of time, location, and device it is built on. Games built on the web can be accessed without the need to download. On the other hand, mobile NFT gaming app provides customized user-experienced builds for Android or iOS.

Select Appropriate Tech Stack

It is important to determine the effective infrastructure for your project. The tech stacks may differ according to the specific requirements of the projects some of the technologies are Unity3D, ASP.NET Core, C#, Unreal Engine, SQL, Truffle, and AWS


Once the preparation is done, it is the responsibility of the game designers and developers to take it up from here. Pay Attention to the following steps to build an outstanding product.


Designing a game is similar to laying the foundation of the project and the next step is to add features, props, and environment for building the structure on the foundation. The vital process involved in designing the NFT game preparing the Game Design Document (GDD) which consists of detailed information regarding concept, design, storyline, mechanics, and more.

Integrate Wallet

For playing games, buying NFTs, or even registering for games one of the vital requirements for the player is to offer crypto wallets. NFT games require a cryptocurrency wallet that can be sold or exchanged. Thus integrating a wallet with NFT games is vital Which gives assurance to the player about security and easily accessible space.

Smart Contract

It is an important element of the blockchain-based application that handles the NFT movement, a game’s cybersecurity, and transaction customization. The smart contract must be carefully developed and implemented because it cannot be changed if written once.

Coding & Integrating NFT Games

All the content, data, and architecture of the game are implemented in the game to build a structure of the decentralized game. Also integrate NFT into the game allowing the players to trade, earn, and play the game from the application.


Once the product is developed, another important step it has to undergo is a quality assurance test. It is essential to test the app several times before launching. 


The game is tested during the development process, once the particular part is completed. Since each part is texted separately it makes the process easy for the tester to concentrate on the few complex errors thus simplifying the process.


Once the game is fully developed and ready to be launched, here the product goes through alpha testing just before the launch. QA engineers check the final quality of the product before the launch and also consist of two types of testing namely functional testing and non-functional testing.


Beta testing has two types- open beta and closed beta. Closed beta involves testing with the selected audience in the gaming industry whereas open beta conducts the testing on both professional and normal audiences to test the product and get feedback from them.

Deploy and Launch

The final step is to build the NFT game including deploying, launching, and promoting it to the vast audience. Once the product is built after undergoing so many testing phases, the product is ready to launch. 

The first step is to make the audience aware of the application. Hence concentrate more on your advertisement and product launch campaign. Join various NFT communities to promote your product before launching. Also, leverage many marketing techniques to focus on the target audience. Providing exciting offers for early registration will also help to promote the product thus encouraging your end user to follow the product.

How Does NFT Game Work?

NFT is the proof of any digital possession image, audio, asset, etc which the players use to interact and move around the game. With NFTs, players can build the characters or buy, sell, or trade them within the gameplay or even outside the gaming environment.

It is not sure that every player can get the NFT assets. It depends on the number of assets that are developed by the game developers, irrespective of the total number of players. Hence if the players earn any gaming assets, then they are the premier owners of the gaming NFTs

Benefits Of NFT Gaming

NFT games are redefining ownership and authenticity and hence improving the gaming experience by offering the following benefits.

1. It offers the ownership of the earned asset enabling the players to protect their rewards. 2. These assets cannot be tampered with as they leverage the blockchain technology.

3. They help to eliminate piracy in games since the NFT assets are more difficult to duplicate.

4. It generates revenue for the game developers as they can be traded for real-world money, which in turn can be utilized for game development.

5. Players can easily sell or transfer their earned assets at any time at a fair price, eventually, the buyer becomes the owner and the details are updated on the blockchain.

6. NFT assets have high liquidity, player can sell their rewards at any time into real money. 

Build Your Own NFT Game With Maticz

Creating an NFT game needs a combination of creative vision and technical expertise. It is also important to assess factors like blockchain technology, game mechanics, and NFT integration to develop an outstanding game. With this, both the game developers and the player can securely benefit from the creative side. Bringing all the requirements into a single platform can be more complex and versatile.

It is better to grab an organized assistant who will overcome challenging tasks and make your project a success. Maticz does the same for you. As a renowned NFT game development company, we build revenue-generating games at the forefront of the blockchain gaming industry. From idealization to launching, we meticulously provide every facet of the NFT. Partner with us to create a world-class gaming experience.

Know More About Our Game Development Services.

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